I am a grade 9 student who struggles to make friends because I lost the chance at being friends with my classmates at the first day of school (because I was too shy/too much of an introvert, it was also my first time experiencing physical learning after COVID or basically 2yrs)…now they are all friends with each other and it makes it even harder for me to make friends because they’re a circle of friends now. So how do you insert yourself in a circle of friends?

  1. That happened to me. Eventually someone did try to be friends with me, but not until much later. For some reason I kind of backed away though but now I regret it. (I think I was depressed).

    I remember there was this other person who I offered my snacks to all the time to try and be friends but she never wanted to, she just wanted my snacks lol

    Ugh. My advice is, if someone does try to be your friend at some point, don’t do what I did and back out, just take it. Even if it’s awkward, it goes away eventually. What I mean is, even a small opportunity, just take it and be kind to them, ask them how their day is.

  2. Hey, high school sophomore here. Last year I slept through my classes and didn’t really know anyone except for my small group of people. When sophomore year started I joined a sports team, a club, and my school’s newspaper, and while I’m still looking for my tribe of people I have decently more friends than I had before.

    My advice is to find your niche, I guarantee your school has a club, sport, or class for something you might be interested in. If not, just say hi to people and be genuinely interested. A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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