have you ever spent a weekend or longer travelling together with a lady you are just starting to know in person? did the time pass by quickly because you had fun or were there times you wished the vacation would end since you didn’t feel chemistry?

  1. It was a bit awkward at first, but we soon got to know each other better and had a great time.

  2. We weren’t traveling but after our first time hanging out my girlfriend and I spent the next 3 days together. It didn’t feel long enough and there was a pretty instant and intense connection.

  3. I met a girl online from Europe and met up with her in Greece for a mini vacation. Although we had a lot of fun, there were times where it was a little awkward. Afterall, you’re sharing a bed with someone you just technically met.

  4. Spent a week straight with my girl after a date and it worked out to be pretty excellent! We learned a lot about each other. Likes, dislikes, how we respond to situations, how we argue. I enjoyed the uninterrupted time.

    Spent a similar situation with a girl a few years ago. It wasn’t “bad” exactly. Its just we could tell we didn’t have a lot in common.

  5. That’s how it always ends up with me.

    That’s why I have no idea how to do this dating app shit that we have to do now. I still have NEVER used a dating app and it’s scary.

    Obviously middle school/HS there wasn’t really a “first date” kinda thing.. u kinda just hung out everyday.

    In college, the first GF I had I met in freshman orientation and we basically just explored our new city together over the next 4 days… she basically slept over at my dorm and we were together every day for like 2 weeks straight. Only went to get home to change clothes. No, never felt like it should end. Probably the best 2 weeks of my life.

    Pretty much every girl I dated seriously since then started off like that. Saw them every day, they’d sleep over for like a week and we just became gf/bf lol.

    As for traveling, I backpacked through SEA/Europe for a couple years. Hooked up with a bunch of girls, but there were 4-5 that I ended up traveling together with for several months. Only 1 of them it ended up getting really awkward after we got into a fight. But we were both solo anyway, so I just grabbed my shit and left.

    So no, never been “stuck” anywhere with anyone. And I don’t think I ever would let myself be in a situation like that. If I don’t like being somewhere, I just leave. I’m a big boy and I can take care of myself…

  6. Met a European girl in a game I played with so had a few months of talking online before we decided to go on vacation together. We are honest people so really when meeting up it was like we already knew each other. I’m still surprised to this day how fast my man parts ended up in her mouth it was almost like a magical experience we lost track of time the first night and spent like 6 hours making love but felt like a half hour was a wild experience. Besides covid lockdowns so far past few years we been vacationing together having Wonderful times. Just both of us don’t wanna move countries otherwise we probably be married already. That being said it was a emotional rollercoaster at first she started being mad and emotional on the third night and started crying thinking I was fake and that this can’t be real no man is this great… Made me sad because of being alone so long that she would think I was fake and made me cry… We had a good cry together and after that things been solid for rest of the first vacation.

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