Guys, what do you ask your wife to wear on date night?

  1. Nothing? She wears what she wants. She is a big girl and can pick out her own outfits.

  2. I tell Her where we are going, or the type of place if I want it to be a surprise, and then She dresses as She pleases. It doesn’t matter to me, there’s nothing She could wear that would look bad.

  3. I don’t ask her to wear anything. I don’t control her. She can wear whatever she wants whenever she wants

  4. Tell us, you’ve never been with a woman, without telling us you’ve never been with a woman….

    From your post history, you’re probably a child. There is nothing wrong with inexperience. Here’s some free advice: socialize with women (without a romantic/sexual motive) as much as possible. Do you live in a place where that is forbidden?

    Befriend people of the all genders and orientations to understand basic human concepts and norms.

  5. Unless she asks, I let her decide. On the rare event that she asks, a sundress without panties.

  6. give her a hint as to the kind of thing youre doing and let her chose bro. shes not your doll to dress up. if youre going hiking tell her so she doesnt get ready in a dress and heels and thats all the input you get bro

  7. I have never once told a woman I was with what to wear.

    That’s something that has never crossed my mind

  8. I don’t ask her to wear anything. That’s weird. She’s an adult, she can wear what she wants.

  9. Question: What do you ask your wife to wear for a date night?

    Answers: I NEVER TELL HER WHAT TO WEAR SHE IS HER OWN PERSON YOU SLAVE DRIVER. Holy unnecessary wokeness, Batman. Sometimes I will ask her to wear a dress/outfit I really liked that she hasn’t worn for a long time. Whether or not she actually does is an entirely different matter. But she likes to dress up and go out to fancy places from time to time so she usually plays ball. I dust off an old sport coat and clean up a bit. It’s a nice break from the routine.

  10. She’s a big girl. She can choose what she wants. If she’s comfortable and she feels good then awesome.

  11. I don’t tell her what to wear, she can handle that.

    If I’m surprising her with a date, I might suggest something fancy, regular, or active type clothing.

  12. If I had a wife or a GF, I would try to ask her if she would wear at least Heels.. but at the end of the day, she will wear whatever she wanted. she’s probably adult enough to have her on opinion and liberty to do so

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