Long story short me and this very beautiful just-my-type girl are dating, and when it’s time to get serious, I want to totally sweep her off her feet. Not talking a marriage proposal, I just want to make her feel like I’m the one for her. I’m wondering how I achieve this though, I know that classic buy her flowers trick and all that, but this needs to be way more, to me she’s perfect and deserves to be swept off her feet. Let me know your suggestions, this is the first person in a long time I’ve considered getting serious with. Thanks!

  1. It depends on the girl. Plus, doing over the top things to please women can freak them out.

  2. Something thoughtful. Maybe like a sunset hike, picnic, horse riding, beach trip.

  3. A weekend getaway is always a good idea if you two are both there in the relationship, find a cute bed and breakfast or something where you two can spend some alone time together, maybe some place with cute couple activities if she’s that kinda girl, and/or beautiful scenery you two can walk through together if you’d both be into that.

  4. >How do I “sweep her off her feet”?

    Bend at the knees (*never* the back!), place one forearm behind *her* knees, the other around her waist. Grab on to something squishy (but not *too* squishy) and stand.

    Feet, successfully swept off of.


    More helpfully, you’ve got to know the girl. Everyone has something, probably several somethings, that if someone gave to/did for/brought them to see, it would make their stomach do flips and set their heart aflutter.

    Find one of those somethings for her, and give it/do it/bring her to it.

    Sounds like a lot of work, right? It is. But that’s why it’s referred to in such a grandiose way. Impressive feat, impressive name.

  5. I would suggest doing something thoughtful as well. I always thought it was super sweet when guys I dated bought me something that indicated they remembered something about me. For example, I was super into sloths at one point lol and a guy I dated bought me a sloth calendar. He said, “I was at the store and saw this and had to get it for you”… definitely swept me off my feet lol. Flowers are nice too, but bonus points if you do something unique to her.

  6. Practice lifting 100 pound kettle balls and your sweeping movement. Once you get that, try it out on a Japanese blow up doll. ONLY A JAPANESE DOLL WILL DO. Then proceed to sweep the real thing

  7. Get her a t-shirt of her favorite death metal band. Plan an indoor picnic of her favorite foods. Find a live concert of them on YouTube or something. Heck print out fake tickets. Burn candles of her favorite scent. Create sense memories for her. She’ll be off her feet and in your arms and she won’t know what hit her lol.

  8. Things my boyfriend has done that’s given me this “swept me off my feet” feeling:

    – One time we were walking in the heavy rain at night, he’s holding an umbrella over us & the whole time I’m asking if he’s dry? He says yes, of course, each time. We get under a street lamp and he’s drenched and I am… pretty much completely dry. He’s only done it that time because now, I make sure to CHECK, and I don’t want him to be sick but I think I fell in love that day
    – When he suggests we do things that I like to do, and I know he wouldn’t otherwise, like pottery classes, paint & sip, etc. and follows it up with “okay well there’s a class at … this weekend”
    – HE got a new job, and bought ME gifts as a “thank you for supporting me through the process”
    – Always offering to and is willing to drive even when it doesn’t make sense to (ie he picks me up to have dinner in a suburb near his home – but only offer this if you actually are willing to or else you’ll just grow resentful? We’re a bit further along in our relationship now and I don’t let him do stupid trips like this anymore but it is nice that he still offers!)
    – When I first got upset at him he left me my favourite food at my door & left – no expectation for me to see him then it was just a “hope this makes you feel better” gesture (even though I secretly wanted to)
    – Has talked about us with the assumption we’d be together forever (“when we move in together…” “when we get married…” but I guess do this with caution. If it was anyone I liked a bit less then it would admittedly make me run)

  9. Maybe a romantic getaway. Idk what your financial means are but a nice trip to a lodge at some snowy mountains with hot tubs or heated pool. Maybe get some rose pedals and candles and spice the room up before she makes it. Might even be able to arrange something with concierge to do it for you ahead of time. And a couples massage

  10. Each female is different. Try to find out what secret passion or unfulfilled desire she has and make it happen. Puppies are always a good way to start the date btw. Go to a puppy playpen and let the little pups do their magic

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