So if my guy has a foot fetish, should I be concerned that he gets horny off any pair of feet he sees lol? Cuz people show their feet more than their boobs, and privates…

  1. I do not really know but there was this one time when I had worn shiny black open toe high heels with red toenails and someone was staring at my feet in the subway. So, yes maybe 🙂

  2. The comparison to boobs is not a great one, you have to remember that we grew up our whole lives seeing women’s feet in public. It’s sort of like tribes in africa where the women go topless, I’m sure breasts are still involved in sex for these people, but it’s not like the men are falling over themselves every time they see a pair of bare titties throughout the day. You get used to seeing them and compartmentalize your feelings.

    Same for feet; even though we may like them enough to be a focal point of sex, we also see women’s feet day in and day out in normal life, so in a non-sexual context it’s just normal and not really sexually arousing; more like mildly distracting at worst. If I see a girl I’m actually attracted to and she’s wearing sandals then yeah I’m definitely gonna take a quick and discreet peek, appreciate the view, and go on with my day, just like you would with her face or butt or the rest of her. And just like peeking at any other part of a girl, it’s on you as a well-socialized and respectable member of society to keep the context in mind and not allow yourself to get worked up into a state of sexual arousal in public, which 99.9% of people have no trouble with. Not saying there isn’t the occasional creep who can’t get a handle on themselves (in general, not just talking about foot fetishists), but for most people it’s not a big deal, just like you probably don’t lose your head every time you see an attractive guy.

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