They make more money than you. Therefore, they don’t think anything you say is valuable to them.

  1. Sorry that you are so insecure that your income is all you can value about yourself.

  2. There’s are lots of jobs out there that pay good money and lots of them are positioned by actual idiots. It’s ok, dumb people can get big pay days too. Just one up him in another department and always bring it up

  3. Find the thing that irks them and enflame them like they’re trying to enflame you

    Or let them fuck off on they’re ownsome and continue enjoying your life

  4. I would just do the “yes..: this makes you such a better person than me. This is why I’m scum and you are the shining light of all human existence” some kind of shit like that

  5. “Money isn’t everything, you know. For example, you have all this income… yet no way to buy any class. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go have fun doing some poor people things.” Then just walk away.

  6. I stare at them until they stop talking, then I point out that I have 0 zero debt.. and i didn’t go to college. And if that fails.. I tell them how much I make.. then they shut up. Cause I make good money

  7. Wouldn’t waste my time arguing with that person or waste my time associating with them in general.

  8. “Ok, whatever you say” and move on with your life. No point in arguing with that kind of person.

  9. Hit them with the “k”, then go back to talking about something else like they didn’t even say anything. Don’t engage the topic.

  10. “It’s so good to be proud of your income, it’s the only thing you got going for you.”

  11. If a person thinks their worth is based on their salary then they are terribly insecure and mistaken.

  12. Say “show me your Dick” and pray he’s got a smaller one than you. If not, rip it off and run.

  13. The jersey shore people made more than you do, should we all listen to their wisdom? Money isn’t everything and I feel sad that is all you have.

  14. Ask them, “What if I told you that you could make even more?” and then offer them $5 to go away.

  15. Kinda depends what you’re arguing about. If it has nothing to do about personal career success or business, it shouldn’t matter.

    If it does, well… the proof is on the pudding.

  16. Money doesn’t stop you from being a dickhead even though there is probably someone in every room that makes more than them

  17. I suppose you could use it to manipulate them into making a very bad decision due to disregarding you or deliberately acting contrary to your advice.

  18. Why do you keep talking to this person? Just shrug and say nothing. If they invalidate what you say because you’re lower income, find better company.

  19. I make more than a lot of people yet I drive a shitty 2019 Nissan Sentra lol money isn’t that important. Yeah we need it to make progress in life but there’s always ups and down. Karma is a bitch and they’ll get theirs. I like to think of the saying theirs always a bigger fish. As in there’s always going to be someone doing better or worse the only competition is between yourself past and present.

  20. Remind them of all the rich assholes we’ve forgotten all about. Then ask if they’ve heard of.Mozart, George Carlin, Willy Nelson or any other brokester that changed the fucking world.

  21. “Are you really so boring that you have to measure your own value by your income? Don’t you have any hobbies?”

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