For men, have you ever fallen in love with another woman while in a relationship? What did you do?

  1. I wouldn’t say love, but there were some that I felt strongly for. And in the past, in each case, I would distance myself from the person I’m feeling towards until I could compartmentalize the feelings, then come back with a way more platonic mindset. I’d do my best to explain why I was doing this, and most people involved understood it.

    I don’t get to choose who I feel for, at least not consciously, but I do get to choose how I conduct myself. So I do what I can to make sure not to hurt or betray anyone with impulses.

  2. Not quite love, but I’ve felt myself become very intrigued with someone. When i realized what i was feeling was more than just physical attraction or lust, i cut off all contact with the woman. I knew it was something more because i missed being around her when i stopped hanging out with her.

  3. I’ve had crushes but it’s a form of cheating to let your crush develop to the point where you’re “in love.”

  4. Hmm for me love isn’t just the desire but the decision to commit. Also love doesn’t have to be sexual. If I can’t have friends that I love the. I can’t have family that I love.

    Yes I have fallen in love with other people, no it wasn’t a threat to the exclusive relationship I was in.

  5. I’m polyamorous, so…the exact same thing I would do if not in any prior relationship. I’ve had 2 new relationships and 2 breakups during the now 5 years with my “other” partner.

  6. Yes.

    We are ‘best friends’. We’re both married and can’t pursue our feelings, but when we’re together, even just for a cup of tea or walk in the woods, it feels amazing.

  7. You are going to be attracted to other people. Being in a relationship will not change that. You just have to let the feelings go without pursuing them, or you can get out of the relationship you are in to go after the new one. Just don’t expect it not to happen again.


    I have been enamored of several women since getting married. I simply do not pursue, and eventually the feelings will lessen. I still love my wife, so I’ll keep her.

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