Me (21 F) i had a girl best friend but we broke it off because she was very manipulative,she wanted to turn me against everyone so she can be close to them,she ruined my 12 years of friendship with my other bestfriend, she ruined my friendships with my friends in uni , she hurt me so much and she is extremely evil, she doesn’t have empathy and she uses people so i was so done with it and i cut it off with her.Meanwhile, i had a guy best friend that i really trusted and he is also with me in uni, we talked all the time and she knew everything she did he witnessed it and he was always talking about how evil she is and how he didnt wanna be around her. Suddenly, he changed on me out of nowhere stopped texting, doesn’t ask about me doesn’t go out even though i texted him, i never understood what the heck did i do wrong for him to flip on me. Im pretty sureive never done anything to him or ever talked shit about him. Today,i didnt go to uni i needed some rest , suddenly my friend sends me a picture of him walking and talking to that girl i mentioned earlier , on their own in a secluded area in uni. I was so shocked and hurt like it all makes so much sense yet it doesnt. not to mention they were never friends. I want to confront him and cut it off with him. I need advice of how to confront him or should i do it . Im so hurt and confused.

  1. I wouldn’t confront him. This is done. Don’t cause needless drama. See drama as a red flag, because it is.

  2. She has some amazing Evil Magical Powers!

    Yeah, I’d try to get far, far away from this whole situation. No confronting necessary.

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