Let’s assume this type of comment happens a few times a year.

  1. If my partner said “I feel like my face is ugly,” I would respond by asking why they feel that way. I would try to listen without judgement and see if there is anything I can do to help them feel better about themselves.

  2. You’re fishing for reassurance which might be okay in low ammounts but if you’re constantly making these kinds of comments I’m both gonna get bored and find this an unattractive quality.

  3. “that’s your problem, because your face is hot to me”. If people feel unattractive, it’s on them to change their own mindset, not you. So just be honest

  4. Mock take offence and say “Wtf do you think of me? you think I’d be dating an ugly person?!?!?! how very dare you!”

  5. I’d say: “Why?”

    I would then listen to her explain why and we would go from there.

  6. The first time or two I’d probably go all “wat.”

    If it becomes a chronic thing I’d probably start talking to her about therapy.

  7. “Yeah, you should probably get plastic surgery”

    Jk, I likely wouldn’t date someone so self-conscious/who needs repeated validation

  8. “You think if I was half as amazing of a man as you say I am that I’d marry an ugly woman?”

    So, she either gets to be 1) wrong about me and right about herself or 2) right about me and thus wrong about herself.

  9. Say this… “listen here bish. I don’t date ugly chicks. And you’re no exception.”

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