I’ve recently purchased an hybrid piano (Kawai Novus 10S) for $10K. This is now the most expensive thing I own. While I want to study piano, at this point in time, playing piano is a hobby, an expensive one you might say.

However, somebody told me no, this is not an expensive hobby. Collecting, playing golf, skiing, boating… these are expensive hobbies.

So, what expensive hobby do you have and how much does it cost you?

  1. D&D. Even playing online only, the books were already kinda expensive, as well as the dice that have become impulsive purchases for me.

  2. Gym. I have almost 10-15k worth of exercise equipment and a recurring couple hundred every month for it. I know that sounds like a lot but keep in mind I was dumb enough to start my collection when they closed the gyms down for covid and scalpers jacked the prices up.

    Apart from that I have a mobile gaming addiction and dropped several thousand on that too.

  3. I buy cars… then I drive them for a while until I can’t afford to fix em.

    Sometimes I buy cars I don’t even have a use for but I just *wanted* (like the 96 Cherokee I never drove). I’m 36 and over the course of my life I’ve owned 25 cars. The most I had at one time was 5

  4. Training to be a pilot. Sometimes I wish I stuck with the toy airport and matchbox planes.

  5. I have a garagegym for mainly powerlifting and strongman. Around 8000 dollars in that.
    I also do some triathlon/cardio stuff and that is expensive. But one of my friends said that every dollar spent on training is the best dollar you can spend, and I think that is true.

  6. Guns…..controversial ik but fuck it, ever since I was a kid I’ve always liked guns an it is not cheap

  7. Scuba diving. Open water certification was around $800. My initial gear setup was around $2500. The dives themselves range anywhere from $15 for an air fill if I want to dive at a local inland lane to several thousand dollars to fly somewhere tropical and dive for a week.

  8. Motorcycles. I’n a sucker for Honda Gold Wings. But I’ve gotten a couple non runners than have a Non-Price. (Read free) It’s clutter to some. Cool! If it’s free, its me.

  9. Offroad trips/exploration. I drive my tacoma all over the place. So far I have only broken about 700$ worth of stuff.

  10. Racing motorcycles ($10-20k a year) and flying airplanes (10-20k a year)

    My wallet is a masochist.

  11. Collecting nascar diecasts

    I have 20 something on pre order that’ll come through out the next 6-8 months and there roughly 7075 each so do the math haha

  12. Guitar. Gear Acquisition Syndrome is a motherfucker on the wallet, especially when all the gear you want is high-end boutique shit. I’ve gotten better, though. Still have my Two-Rock and Amplified Nation amps, but instead of buying Custom Shop Fenders, Suhrs, etc., I’ve been buying cheaper Squiers and tweaking/modifying them to my standards.

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