I mean this isn’t really dating advice, but I’m a 19 year old girl, and guys always say that I’m easy to manipulate in the beginning but I end up always putting up a fight when they disrespect me or cross a boundary. I just don’t get it why do guys think I’m easy to manipulate in the beginning? And how do I stop being the perfect target?

  1. That’s such a douchey thing for them to say because they are douchey. Probably because you’re being nice and agreeable when you first met them and thats truly how they’re judging you.

    Sometimes people project their hopes/wants/desires onto others and like to tell you how they want you to be in a passive aggressive way. Some people just don’t function right in the brain, especially while young, and they are testing limits and power through passive manipulation and mind games. Please stay away from boys like that. They are probably braggers too?? They have narcissistic tendencies and no decent person would describe someone they just met like that. Hope this helped and hope you stay a fighter, darling.

  2. you should see a behavioral psychologist and maybe develop how to be less agreeable or learn how to negotiate, manipulative people often get away with that because the person is too agreeable.

  3. I think it’s because you’re choosing the guys who have options and this have the ability to manipulate.

  4. being too attached to them, allowing small instances of disrespect, treating them like they’re some prize you’re trying to achieve. put them in their place and treat people how they treat you. should solve your issues.

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