My gf has been asking me to send good morning texts to her for months now but I can’t bring myself to do it. It feels childish (I’m 22) and cringey but I don’t want to be a dick. Am I in the minority in feeling like this and does anyone have any advice/alternatives?

  1. It’s not a very difficult thing to do, and her happiness should be more important than you thinking it’s “cringe”. It’s also not cringe at all, the best part of a romantic relationship is having someone who’s there for you, not just through thick and thin but through boring or mundane moments. She just wants to know you think of her when you wake up, which is cute and a sign of caring and love.

  2. If it makes u feel forceful every time u do it them best not to do it. Love and affection come naturally, if u have other ways to show her love then do more of those. Let her know ure a do-er and the good morning text seems empty to u. Moreover lets say u start saying good morning every day and u hate it then one day u’ll get sick of it and stop, imagine how she would feel, she would feel incredibly sad and betrayed because she’ll think that something has changed, that u dont love her anymore.

  3. Umm, my bf and I send each other good morning texts, and we’re in our 40’s so I’m not sure why you find it childish. I do think that’s something that should come from you wanting her yo know you’re thinking of her, rather than as an obligation because she asked you to do it. 🤷‍♀️

  4. You definitely need to do some growing up. If you are thinking a simple good morning text is childish, pal go out into the real world and someone says good morning to you at work! You going to run and hide? Even my abusive ex loved my simple good morning texts, even told me how she would wait by her phone for them every morning.

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