What exactly is “Lady like?”.

  1. A repressive set of standards that ensure women are more ornamental than actual people.

  2. When I was a kid, a very long time ago, ladylike meant things like wearing a skirt instead of pants, always wearing a hat to church, and never burping or farting or swearing in front of people.

  3. I think it depends on who you are asking.

    For me lady like just means behaving like a proper
    lady in a formal and feminine fashion.

  4. A Buzzfeed show on Youtube.

    Seriously, though, I see Angela Lansbury as a great lady. She was smart and competent and enjoyed her life, and she was never shy about enjoying things that are seen as typically feminine, but she also starred in a show where she got to be just as smart and competent as in real life.

  5. For me it is to act in a way you would expect royalty to act like. You wouldn’t expect to see the Queen (RIP) scratching her feet in a restaurant or discussing private stuff in public, nor throwing a fit because a store ran out of her favorite ice cream or wearing a low cut dress to church. Basically to act mature, I guess.

  6. It varies extremely wildly depending on who you ask. Ladylike has been defined to me as not climbing trees according to my mother, not reading books according to a teacher, and not cursing like a sailor according to several supervisors.

    Fuck all of them, I’ma do what I want.

  7. For me, the meaning conjures one who has manners, self-respect, is polite and conscious of social etiquette.

  8. Well if u ask my family, someone who knows how to crack a dark joke, handle a gun, stand up for themselves and cuss well. And cook. However that’s just because we all love food🤤 I’m the only sister of 3 brothers so I think you can see why I described it as above😂

  9. I don’t know, I was told to be ladylike yet I’m very much not, I will not suppress to society’s harsh standards on women

  10. It depends greatly on the content what activities or behaviors or appearance-based standard it refers to. Some of which I’d support (basic manners and respect, certainly), some that I wouldn’t. But generally? “Behaving in an appropriate manner and in good taste applied to a female person.”

  11. I think it’s being kind, having etiquette, and being conscientious of others. Which can apply to anyone no matter the gender.

  12. Lady like like implies your not extremely vulgar in public like talking about sexual matters, downing a beer, burping, or farting. For me as a woman lady like is manicuring oneself not overly doing it on looks but dressing decent, hair not a mess, and smelling good. Everyone has their own standards, for example I always wear dresses which is a stereotype some would call baby doll dresses lady like but, sweat suit or leggings as not. I think a woman being free to express herself however she likes is important but, to have your A out in shortie shorts or Breast exposed heavily, is not lady like. Cussing excessively is a problem I have personally and know is not lady like. Being kind in general or caring about others, wanting to be helpful, compassionate, understanding, or solve problems is considered a more lady like feminine attribute as nurturing. Many think of looks like nails done, hair, makeup, and the way one dresses. For me it is not just appearance but, how she treats others that’s especially important. I always say thank you, yes sir, no ma’am, open doors for the person coming out or behind me, cleaning up behind myself after a meal out, being thankful for anyone who has done something nice, apologize when wrong, and calmy handle situations without screaming and will listen objectively to your point of view (which requires the other person the male to also go “look we have a problem here can we talk this out to solve it and not scream our differences in anger”). Those are lady like attributes in my opinion who does just talk to talk and looks it but, walks it too.

  13. It’s behaving within a strict set of boundaries that ensure you are marriageable but not sexually desireable to men. We are taught it from baby-hood.

  14. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Don’t take up space. Don’t do anything that calls attention to yourself. Be good at the 3 C’s: cooking, cleaning, childrearing.

  15. I guess to a lot of people it means being dainty and submissive. Not cussing(not being “vulgar”), or complaining too much. Or being loud. Or taking up too much space in any way.

    Good ol patriarchy of course 😁

  16. Lady like to me is a compliment. I take that phrase to mean you are strong like all of the women before us to whom we owe so much. All of the women who fought for our rights, protected us and exhibited empathy. If you are lady like you don’t lower yourself but raise yourself and bring others along with you by mentoring and be the best person you can be.

  17. Read the book the art and power of being a lady or the power of femininity …. It’s a lot to describe at once.
    The opposite of being rough and loud I guess would be a start.

  18. According to my now deceased mother, to be “lady-like” required one to always cut your sandwiches into triangles, never raise your voice in anger, never swear, always wear clean underwear, and be a virgin on your wedding night. I only achieved one out of every “lady-like” directive she gave: I change my underwear daily.

  19. I tend to think of it like….those Christian girls on YouTube that like to talk about doing things in a “God honoring” way. That’s what I think people are referring to.

    ….I’ve also never heard anyone irl use ladylike in a positive light.

  20. Kind and considerate as the default behavior. Chooses cold civility instead of heated words to show displeasure. Quite capable of establishing boundaries without deliberately hurt feelings. Willing to stand on principle when it’s important to her.

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