Are dating apps worth it? For example, Tinder, Boo, Bumble, etc.?

  1. If your circle of friends is small and you are stuck with the same group of people then yes. If not then you don’t need it.

  2. Yes, but how well they work really depends on geography. In some places, the local dating culture has really embraced app-based dating, and using them is just how dating is done. It’s pretty easy to get dates in those places.

    Other places, not so much.

    Where I currently live, it’s pretty much effortless. I haven’t used dating apps in a while, but when I did, I could go on a date with a new person several times a week if I wanted to.

    That has NOT been true everywhere I’ve lived.

  3. Yes, but don’t expect anything. Think of it like this: Do you want to go into a swamp full of mud and alligators with one box that has 500 trillion in it?

    I would… after learning more about alligators and their signs of attack, and also preparing myself to get muddy.

  4. Only worth it if you are a very good looking man who wants to f average cat fishing girls with inflated egos. Mosr of them dont look like their photos.

  5. I mean if you’re not paying sure, it’s like a passive way to look for members of the opposite sex

  6. While on this topic, how safe is Facebook Dating? I’ve wondered about the risks of harassment with someone being able to glean your data, family, and social circle before you even get to know them. I know you can take your profile fully private, but that means limiting use of the normal app. I guess that’s probably wise anyway. But it becomes a choice between using Facebook and using Facebook Dating then. I’ve been wary of crossing the streams.

  7. I’ve been on tinder and bumble for months now. All i got was hookup proposals 🤷🏼‍♀️

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