Besides the obvious like if she complains about her dad being around. How are women that didn’t have their father around growing different?

  1. My girlfriend’s dad died when she was very young, there’s no signs of this because everyone is different

  2. she might just be generally naïve around men and be easily exploited simply because she lacks experience around guys.

    she might be unusually submissive to guys just because she doesn’t have access to them. Or she’s under the impression that she doesn’t have access to them.

    A general confusion around how guys think feel and act, a lot of ways, guys are just like women and women are just like guys. But there’s not an understanding of that with somebody who doesn’t have a proper mix of different ppl in her life.

  3. Various forms of delusion displayed without any anticipation of being checked, rejected or held accountable for ignoring the rules and unrestrained emotions.

  4. Easy~ they always wanna do everything themselves.


    1. You try to help them with their luggage. They say “I can do it!” And rip it out of your hands.

    2. Overly independent

    After a while you’ll hear them say stuff like.

    If my mom can do it by herself so can I.

  5. There tends to be a higher occurance of said women becoming a man-hating feminist and/or becomes highly promiscuous, tatted woman with a lot of piercings who struggles to maintain long term relationships However, that higher occurance doesn’t mean that all (or most) women whose dad wasn’t around behave that way (just a higher propensity). Some can easily become exploited by toxic men, as they’re looking for a daddy – instead of an actual loving partner. When you’re an adult, you shouldn’t need another adult to act like your “dad” and who sets boundaries, controls you & dictates your life.


    Likewise, even women who have father figures in their lives can end up like the above. Children can rebel or become out of control – which is usually attributed to a parent being overbearing / highly controlling or the complete opposite (allowing their kids to be “free spirits.” Even with a good mother or good father women can find themselves in a peer group where she becomes indoctrinate to hate men (same with dudes who had a good mother and want to go on to crap all over women).

  6. Usually she has insecure or dismissive attachment.

    Like, she either won’t leave you alone – constant demands for attention and your time – or she’ll be one of those ‘hard’ girls who will only want to date you on her terms – contacts you only rarely, dates only when she has time, etc. The former tends to be if she saw lots of mom’s boyfriends growing up, and there was never any consistency or reliability. The latter tends to be if mom didn’t date.

    The big tell is how she reacts when you say ‘no’ or set and enforce your boundaries.

  7. Her being a feminist is usually an easy tell. The “I don’t need a man” mentality is almost always instilled on daughters by a mother who is left unchecked by a man.

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