What are some hygeine tips that no one talks about?

  1. 1. Always wash your hands after using the restroom and before handling food. 2. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. 3. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve, not your hands. 4. Disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched, such as doorknobs, countertops, and phones.

  2. Trimming your armpit hairs helps with deodorant application and effectiveness…or at least for me. Just a hairy dude.

  3. Clean your butthole. Apparently a lot of guys don’t and I’m not sure how that’s possible.

  4. If you’re a big guy you got to shower daily. You got to scrub hard the places that don’t see a lot of sun and you got to fully dry then apply a deodorant spray. If you can smell yourself at all, even a little, everyone else can smell you a lot.

  5. Clean yo dick. Everyone will appreciate it. Always worth stating.

    If possible, and it’s not near teeth brushing time, some mouthwash just after you eat is great for your teeth and will ensure good breath.

    Not necessarily hygiene, but falls under a similar umbrella – don’t go overboard with deodorant and aftershave/cologne. Also find one that works well with your skin chemistry (JPG le male le parfum, and YSL Y parfum work great for me, but YMMV). A few good squirts is all it needs, people should get a faint, tantalising whiff and not a punch to the olfactory system.

    Don’t wash your hair everyday. Water from the bath/shower is fine, but don’t shampoo and condition every day. It strips the natural oils from your hair, and you want a bit of them, so you’ll start overproducing and getting greasy real quick if you do. Depending on your body and lifestyle, 1-3 proper washes a week is enough.

    Have a skincare routine even if it’s cheap and basic as fuck. Use a dedicated face wash at least once a day, in the shower is good. If that’s all you start doing, that’s fantastic and a big step in the right direction. About twice a week you could substitute the wash out for a face scrub. Use warm water on your face before either though, it opens everything up so it can be cleaned properly, cold water after is also nice imo. Then maybe add a moisturiser afterwards, one with SPF if you use it in the morning would be great. Your face is your first impression, take care of it.

  6. Wash your hands before using the restroom. Especially after handling the following: hot peppers, pesticides, concrete, solvents, strong acids and bases, and any other chemical that you wouldn’t want down there.

  7. Clean your bellybutton. It gives you wierd tinglies to clean but it gets dirty. I just go with a q tip and rubbing alcohol or peroxide

  8. Diet. Your entire body from the bacteria on your skin, to the quality of your skin, to the odor/scent you produce, to the water and inflation you retain or don’t retain (think of guys with bloated faces) is all affected primarily by your diet and lifestyle. You can shower 3x a day, and put all kinds of shit on your skin but if you’re diet and lifestyle aren’t in check you will have terrible skin, you’ll smell, and you’ll probably look like shit…

    P.S people’s balls don’t stink because they’re unsanitary, they usually stink because their diet sucks and they eat too much sugar and refined carbohydrates which feeds yeast on the skin and they get a yeast overgrowth which is what causes that dank smell…if you’re healthy and your microbiome is balanced you shouldn’t stink down there.

  9. Wash your hands. The number of people that don’t wash their hands after using the restroom is extremely disturbing. I will not eat communal food, eat candy out of dish, etc. It is all disgusting.

  10. This shouldn’t have to be said, but use a washcloth in the shower. At the very least use a loofah, but understand that they are just a hanging ball of bacteria after a week or so.

  11. Using a daily nasal rinse squirt bottle before brushing your teeth, morning and night. It helps you from getting sick, washes out any airborne allergens trapped in the nasal cavity, and makes your nose feel nice and clean. If you do this every day, twice a day, for a month you won’t know how you lived without it.

    If I don’t do it daily I get the same gross feeling in my nose like happens if you don’t/can’t brush your teeth.

    I’m always amazed at people who constantly have a runny nose, pop allergy meds on the regular, and use a medicated nasal spray but haven’t or won’t try a simple daily saline (salt) nasal rinse…


  12. – Turn the shower temperature down a few minutes before it is time to get out.

    Even if you don’t *feel* it, your body still sweats in a hot shower, your body also has a delay heat-sweat response, therefore if you step from a hot shower into a cold room you’ll keep sweating, and it won’t get washed away. In essence, it is a great way to start the day off less fresh.

    – After you turn off the water, stay in the shower cubical for 30 seconds/do a little dance/use your palm to swipe off water from your skin.

    Less water on the floor. Less water on your towel, which will keep them fresher for longer, which means you smell nicer because you’re using a cleaner towel (related: rotate out your towel regularly regardless).

    – Handheld shower head! They aren’t *only* useful for women’s pleasure, but also to keep your under carriage clean.

    Even with a bidet a handheld shower-head still lets you get any nooks and crannies (butt, perineum, balls/dick, inside bellybutton, any ‘skin folds’).

    – If you have coarse hair elsewhere on your body (e.g. chest) then hair conditioner left in for 3 minutes can help.

    It may seem obvious, but sometimes people forget that conditioners can be useful in places that aren’t their head.

  13. Shave your armpits if you have bad BO or sweat a lot. I have found that I sweat so much less after I started shaving my arm pits

  14. I always wash my dick/butthole with soap before sex. Dont think its rocket science but im sure is overlooked in many cases

  15. I’m surprised no one has said this but

    BLOW DRY YOUR PARTS AFTER YOU GET OUT OF THE SHOWER. (With Cold air button.. of course!)

    Yeah I got out of the shower but it’s still damp in my areas even after towel drying it. I feel so fresh after 💖

  16. Dry your balls and ass thoroughly. Prevents odor accumulation. If you go out with a wet gooch it’s gonna combine with sweat and get musty down there.

  17. Buy a bidet seat. Wiping is absolutely disgusting.

    I installed one just before the Covid toilet paper rush, and I was glad to have it. Now I can’t get over how gross wipers are.

  18. That Kevin Samuels video on things your father should have taught you goes over a lot of hygiene. Informative

  19. Just rinsing your mouth with water after eating a particular sugary drink or meal can really make a difference to dental hygiene. Especially if the food is sticky

  20. I just learned that some people don’t wash their damn legs in the shower wtf

    and wash your effing butts people. use a bidet and soap then wipe it with tissue to dry it out then wash your hands ty

  21. Pull the foreskin back and scrape away the cheese using your fingernail. Apply soap after that and rinse off. Do the same with your asshole.

  22. Putting baby powder on your balls
    baby powder is actually a pretty effective method of preventing ball funk, sweat, chafing, and discomfort – as long as you don’t mind smelling like a fresh diaper of course.

  23. Getting rid of ass hair(in the crack). Personally i use nair, had odor problems before (even though i washed thoroughly in the shower and used flushable wipes after pooping), ever since getting rid of the hair its been amazing. Think of it this way wiping your hairy ass is like trying to get chocolate pudding out of a carpet with a napkin(it doesnt work very well).

  24. Use your pillow case as a laundry bag. That way you don’t need to buy a laundry bag and you remember to wash your pillow case, which can prevent acne

  25. No one has mentioned cleaning your tongue yet. Get a tongue brush and add that to your nightly brushing routine. Its game changing. You will see how dirty your tongue is and how refreshing it is to have a cleaner tongue. The company TUNG makes a really good one, and its made in the US.

  26. You don’t have to cut off a part of your junk. You only need to pull back the foreskin before you washing it.

  27. A shower towel shouldn’t be used more than twice, at least I think. There are ppl that use the same towel for like a week. “Well I showered so it must still be clean” no man, that towel is air drying and collecting whatever from the air. Same goes for sheets, change that on a regular basis, every week or two depending how much activity has been going on in there… don’t be a savage

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