Hello everyone,

Essentially I have been dating with this girl for about 3 months- already met her parents and sisters plus we had dinner on SAT with my family at my house. That said there are a couple of things I still fear of happening as I could be a very pessimistic and realistic person:

1. Whenever she tells me I love you so much (in Spanish Te Quiero Mucho) I don’t believe it
2. We haven’t done anything that does not involve going out to a restaurant, coffee shop or theater- it is not like “hey, wanna come to my house and just talk?”
3. My fear is not losing her or not ending up with a relationship but the fact that I for some time thought I could have something great
4. My second fear which is something I truly feel is that she is just with me because I make her feel great but not because the love and interest is mutual.

On a side-note, she has shared some personal experiences with me and let’s say that the expectations her family has for her (wealthy family) are over the top, she constantly has dumb fights with her close friends and she had an operation which (up to her) results will show up but haven’t. I like her and I want to be with her but wrapping all these up makes me think of them as red flags and/or toxic traits.

I know I am not a saint, the perfect man or gentleman to say I deserve \[x and y\] but what brought a lot of attention to me is that (she does not know I check her Twitter from time to time) she tweeted and I quote

*I do not want to go out with you ever again but your planning gives me a lot of fomo HAHAHA (April 8th)*

This could mean a thousand things related or not related to me but given the context of the past few days (she is on Spring Break) I was planning how we were going to hangout on SAT.

FRI we went for dinner, SAT I gave a lot of options but ended up having dinner with my parents and on SUN she had a surprise party because one of her friends from SEA is getting married. I honestly do not know what to do because I could have this realization thought of this person being this and this and this but the moment it is not like that everything goes to shit.

P.D. I meet weekly with my psychologist and she helps throughout this but I would like to have more feedback both from men and women.

Thank You

1 comment
  1. 1. Why don’t you?
    2. Have you asked her to not go out and just talk?
    3. What do you mean “could have something great”?
    4. Where are you getting this idea from? What makes you think this?

    >This could mean a thousand things related or not related to me

    So why is the default that it HAS to do with you?

    >I meet weekly with my psychologist and she helps throughout this but I would like to have more feedback both from men and women.

    I really wish you all on Reddit would stop doing this. Your therapy isn’t gonna work if you keep trying to have a bunch of random people on the internet validate it. That’s backwards. You need to learn to trust your therapist. They’re actually trained and know what they’re talking about. We’re just ppl posting words.

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