I (21M) went on a hookup app called pure and met up with this one girl from a college near me (18F). She was really pretty, and really cool about helping me lose my virginity, but can’t really say I got a whole lot out of it. It was really fun massaging her body, eating her out and fingering her and watching her cum on my vibrator, but other than that it was whatever for me in the dick department. Whenever she was giving head or I was inside of her it was almost like my brain and dick disconnected and I straight up couldn’t feel anything. Maybe because the condom I was using (skyn) sucked, or she gives trash head (idk it could be great, have nothing to compare it to). But idk, maybe sex is overrated and as a virgin, I overhyped it in my head too much. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.

  1. The first time is never great. It’s awkward, it’s weird, it feels different compared to what you imagined.

    Don’t worry. You’re not weird, nothing’s wrong. That sounds pretty normal.

    Try a few more times, try a different condom. Just relax and don’t worry!

  2. 1.) Virginity is a construct to control sexuality. Needed to be said…

    2.) while I am all for and fine with sex for sex’s sake, you can’t beat having it with someone you actually give a damn about. You are missing out on, in my opinion, more than half the experience. Having sex for purely physical reasons is kind of like eating a meal that hasn’t been seasoned _at all_. Yeah, you’re full, but did you _truly_ enjoy it? The intimacy and closeness of sex with someone familiar builds on what you already have and the vulnerability needed to put each other in that position builds trust. Call me a romantic.

    Or, yeah, you could just not jerk off for a while before next time… 🙄

  3. I personally think “virginity” is a really unhelpful concept and it would be way better as a society if we could just drop it completely.

    Firstly it’s patriarchal bullshit. Secondly why is Penis in Vagina so central? Are lesbians virgins their whole lives? Can you suck off 100 guys in a club and still be a virgin? Thirdly, as you’ve seen, it creates this stupid pressure and expectation around sex.

    Imo the way to massively level up your sex game is to stop focusing on “sex acts” and start focusing on “eroticism”.

    It’s all about what feels good. Get nice and relaxed and comfortable together and just follow what feels really right in the moment and be really respectful of your partner.

    Just snuggling all night is awesome. Just touching a little is awesome. Standing really close and not being allowed to touch can be awesome. Kissing is awesome.

    You spent the experience hoping that if you did the act you’d get the feeling. It’s the opposite way round. Follow the feelings you want and let them tell you what acts to do.

    Also this girl you’ve found sounds awesome so imo stick with her while you can haha.

  4. My God. Try fucking someone you care about.
    First time with some random hookup not a good experience for many.

  5. Condoms can definitely make the sex feel mid, especially head with a condom. Condoms suck but do stds so find someone (clean and tested) you’re comfortable having sex with raw

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