What’s the toughest decision you made this year?

  1. To quit my job not having another one set up, also I work for my moms business and she needs my help . But I can’t do it anymore

  2. Still mulling it over. In a relationship and I’m becoming aware I might have no business being in one yet so soon after a divorce. It’s exceptionally difficult to navigate.

  3. Asking my roommate/best friend to move out so my girlfriend can move in. He’s been going through some really rough mental and physical health problems for a little over a year and hasn’t been working or paying any bills or anything. I can’t afford this shit by myself. So my gf is gonna move in and he’s going to live with his sister. I want to live with my girlfriend really badly, I just also want to live with my best friend. We’ve been living together for 8 years. It’s got to be done for me to afford these bills, but holy shit I feel like a dick. I’m kind of just kicking him while he’s down.

  4. Quit porn forever as I had a huge addiction.

    So far it’s working out and i haven’t watched since the end of December.

  5. Deciding to leave a comfortable job because I want to be challenged.

    0/8 as of now.

  6. To live one more year at home to save more money even though I was planning on moving out this year. Inflation + other life changes made it less appealing for me, even though it’s still technically feasible.

  7. Moving back in with mother at 29 due to losing job because of covid. It’s been hard….but I’m sure it’ll pay off in the long run…

  8. Do I give up on something because it’s not what I thought, or do I trust in God and see it through?

    Ive chosen the former, life is Soo hard sometimes…it’s not the suffering that’s hard, it’s giving purpose to that suffering that makes if worth it.

  9. I’m going to stop coaching wrestling. I have coached at some level every year since I was 16. I’m 31 now. My wife is pregnant with our first child and I don’t want to miss 4 months of her life plus off-season workouts for her whole childhood. And even without the baby being a factor, I just don’t have the fire for it that I once did. The kids deserve a coach that 100% wants to be there, not just me going through the motions because I’m worried that the school will hire the wrong person after me.

  10. To work out every single day even when I am sick so far so good also lost 40 pounds

  11. Girlfriend of 4 years moving away to attend law school. I made the decision to stay where I am due to me being in a great place in my young career and my current employer is opening opportunities for me to achieve the goals I want to achieve. I want what’s best for her but I also need to do what’s best for me and that was a hard decision to make.

  12. I’d say finally go to face to face classes but it wasn’t up to me so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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