Which is worse seeing your ex with a more attractive man than you, or seeing them with a less attractive man?

  1. I really don’t give a fuck cause attractiveness doesn’t matter if you’re s piece of shit…

  2. I can’t quite tell if a man is attractive or not, it’s called being a hetersexual male. LOL

  3. Attractiveness doesn’t matter. She chose a dude with no job that all her friends despised. I felt like a piece of shit.

  4. Neither really matters. If I’m not over her, I would think seeing her with anyone would hurt. If I am over her, why would I care?

  5. Don’t really care either way, but I will say it’s awkward if the new guy and I look alike. It’s also even more awkward if I’m the new guy. I guess she has a type.

  6. I wish all of my ex girlfriends the best of luck in life. I want to see them with quality men and have a family down the line. I never let any of the disrespect me, so we ended things on good terms. If you hate your exes that much, that speaks more about you and what type of bs you allowed.

  7. Neither, they are in ex for a reason. With that said I hope they find someone that they can be happy with and have a fulfilling life with. Just because they didn’t work out doesn’t mean I should hate them. I cut all contact and move forward with my life, I don’t desire to keep them in my world.

  8. Why the fuck would I care who my ex dates?

    Also, good for her. I hope she’s happy, and I know she can find someone way better for her than I was.

  9. Doesn’t matter, attractiveness is subjective and I’m (and I’m sure most people are) a poor judge of my own attractiveness level (I think I look like a bearded boiled egg but apparently some women seem to be into that).

    In the one case where I know who they dated afterwards this ex broke up with me to try things with her male “best friend” who I thought looked like the inbred Weasley brother they kept locked up in the attic, so whether I am more attractive than him or not it didn’t make a difference in the end and still hurt like hell.

  10. Why would I care? They are an ex for a reason. Could date anyone without me caring. Unless it’s a friend of mine or a guy she said was a friend. Still wouldn’t really care after I’ve cooled down

  11. I have never thought about it. My exes and I are all on good terms, so I’d be happy for them either way.

  12. Less attractive.
    I want her to make sure that she finds a guy who’s an improvement on the Me she used to have….

    Id be hurt if she were settling for just anything

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