
I ( 23 F ) asked someone out this morning,

1/this person called me twice, I didn’t pick BC I was busy, I called back we talked to set the place and time for the meet up then this person said they will call me later at night, I said I will be busy, they weren’t a fan of this. ( I talked to you for a half an hour, I don’t think that we should speak 24/7)

2/ at each disagreement ( getting in the car with him, him paying for my lunch..), he would say that I was too scrupulous and too paranoid and that I don’t trust him ( why would I trust you)

3/ insisting on things when I said no

4/ when I told him that it was alright by me if we just stop this if he wasn’t alright with my terms, he got upset ” BC he felt like he meant nothing to me” ( but he didn’t I don’t know him, we just met that morning)

Are these things red flags or am I just crazy ?
Should I run with my gut feeling or is my guards just up?

  1. Trust your gut and run. All 4 points is bad by itself but they have all of it so yeah save yourself.

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