Which technology is ruining the future and how?

  1. I can’t think of one that is “ruining” the future, but the interconnected-ness can have a negative effect on how we treat one another. That’s not technologies fault though, it’s our own.

  2. Some people believe that technology is ruining the future because it is making people more lazy and dependent on machines. Other people believe that technology is ruining the future because it is causing environmental damage and contributing to climate change.

  3. Keurigs are generating an insane amount of plastic waste just so that people can make a cup of coffee a little bit faster.

  4. ‘can I say Social media?

    I don’t think we’re wired to see all the evil in the world on a daily basis. It also blows problems out of proportion. Something can be happening at an almost nonexistent fraction, but because we see every single time that it does happen, it feels as though it happens constantly.

  5. Social media and dating apps are absolutely ruining the dynamic between men and women, which is already problematic but it’ll only get worse.

  6. Digital Business Platforms – like Airbnb for example.

    Started off as something good, now they are trying to monopolize their respective market and squeeze the life out of everyone offering on their platform. It’s basically a digitalized way of summing up a market and then being able to exert draconian control.

    My advice: Get their number, cut out the middle man, work out a deal benefitial for both, which will be easy without having to pay the platform its share.

  7. The Opressor MK2. It’s too powerful and it doesn’t even require any discipline to obtain it.

  8. Electric vehicles. Not cost efficient, Dirty and expensive to recycle, un affordable for the working people. Un economical for companies to run. Beside we are more often asked to not charge them… wich brings us to another one: renewable energy, not sure where to stand on this one. Like the government. Every body should use it because it works, but every one has to pay extra and use it as less as possible and then some, because is is failing. We have solar energy, we make enough on a good day to sustain our self and our neighbors. Now we have to pay the net more money than before because we use renewable energy. And our neighbors are aked 14 times this summer to not charge thier electric vehicle. As are some family members that have enough solar power on thier own it should charge thier vehicles of that. Tell me how, does it work? Or not? Because we are literally considering removing the solar panels to go back and use Dirty coal electricity because it is more cost efficient.

  9. The one I’m most worried about by far is the ease of creating fake images, videos and even voices. Things like Stable Diffusion, Deepfakes and similar are *amazing* technologies, but I’m very worried about a future when bad actors start to use these in larger scale.

    Soon we will be living in a world where everything can be faked in a way that’s nearly impossible to detect. Do you think QAnon was bad today? Wait until they have utterly convincing “video evidence” of Hillary Clinton eating babies. Do you think we’re divided as a society today? That’s nothing compared to the fully separate realities people will be living in in the future, everything from the “opposing side” will be dismissed as a fake and everything from your side will be trusted immediately. The whole concept of a shared reality and truth as a concept are in danger.

  10. Social media for me.

    We know that people are easily manipulated in groups than individually. Social media makes it way easier, they have algorithms to purposely get you hooked and sell your data to get you more hooked.

    Youtube for example, if you ever watch a supposedly controversial video it will keep recommending that video to you because it’s not important what the content is, (the TOS decides that) what’s important is that you react.

    If it makes you react by either interacting, subscribing or watching the whole thing and watching other videos related to it

    It will keep feeding similar videos to you.
    If it’s politics, voila you are now in an echochamber.

    Just as an example, a very grim example: my country elected a former dictator’s son as the president. This man has a fake diploma, no credentials and his riches came from plunder.

    All because of social media influence.

    As idealistic as we want to be with our lives, we are still apes and social media platforms know this, they exploit this for their own benefit.

    It’s a grim win-win.
    You get your ego stroked and be surrounded by things you agree with (we all know how fucked up that is)
    They make money.

  11. cable TV and PPV !! use to be able watch great fights! title fights on TV Wild world of Sports Now have to pay big bucks!! I beleave it kills the sport all so .Even The Olympics use to see the boxing match’s Now need certain channs. on cable. If didn t get crazy money for supper bowl that would be on PPV to .Maybe someday will be SUCKS!!! Use to be great MMA fights on tv all so UFC bought them all out and now have to pay them to watch..!

  12. Smartphones. More specifically: the fact that everyone has a camera on them at all times. Everything you do could be recorded by someone at any moment, possibly even without you knowing it.

    Sometimes I think back at how good our parents had it in that regard. They could just do whatever they wanted to do without fearing that a video of them might be spread around the whole globe afterwards.

    Yes, that’s only a minor problem compared to others but that’s what came to my mind first and I don’t think anyone has said it yet.

  13. Social and Main stream media networks are not much more than conduits for political entities to use as social framing devices and never provide the whole truth, this keeps people half informed but goes to great lengths to make them believe they’ve been fully informed which makes proper public discourse almost impossible. Twitter specifically is the worst kind of insidious rage baiting by design not to mention completely unashamed of its obvious biases.

  14. Data. The is so much technology at our fingertips now that was only a thought 20 years ago. But in order to have it, we sold our souls to Google, Meta, and government surveillance programs.

  15. Social media.

    It gives people an overinflated opinion of their self and generally creates an echo chamber for whatever opinion you want to hear. With the increasing censorship of “misinformation” or “hate speech”, people no longer have to challenge their believes and look at other perspectives. They just see their own opinions reflected back at them and it confirms everything they believe.

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