Just had a baby. I’ve had bad reactions to birth control in the past. We’re not quite ready to sterilize ourselves yet.

My husband won’t even initiate sex if I enforce condoms. He says it feels like punishment. I was wondering if it’s a brand issue and am looking for recommendations.

  1. I think the fit is very important too. Measure his penis and use an online condom sizing tool and order condoms that fit him perfectly. Then you can add a drop of lube in the tip too.

    You didn’t ask this, but “feels like punishment” seems like an immature way to be thinking about birth control methods and sexual health. The men that have said things like this to me were much more likely to stealth, too.

  2. >My husband won’t even initiate sex if I enforce condoms. He says it feels like punishment.

    What about your punishment? Another baby? And for what? Laziness? Childishness?

    Just find the best one you can buy and use it.

    >I was wondering if it’s a brand issue

    Reads to me as something else.

  3. Your husband needs to get off his high horse and deal with condoms or get a vasectomy. Guilting you by saying he feels punished is selfish AF

  4. He says it feels like punishment. Then it feels like punishment to him. Don’t belittle his feelings. Just like you don’t want him to belittle your bad reactions to birth control.

    You have to find a way to change the feeling and tou can’t do that by force.

    Explain exactly what the issues were with the birth control you used. The cognitive dissonance is that even with whatever it was things worked with that.

    Find a way to make it sexy.

    It’s simple really. You crave his cock in you. You just don’t want to get pregnant or feel like shit. It’s temporary. Not a permanent change for life.

    As he tries to find a condom that doesn’t suck for him you try to see if a different bc will work for you. That’s fair. One pack of condoms to one method of bc.

    And find safe times in the month to have sex with no condom. Track your fertility and there are some safe periods in there. Keep it at high percentage chance and it will give you a week a month where it should be safe.

    It is only natural for a guy to not be comfortable with a condom. Try to understand what it means emotionally and in terms of sensation.

    Y’all can find a way forward together.

    Also – “enforcing” a condom is a terrible way to go about it and a terrible way to act in relation to your spouse. I am sure that him “enforcing” birth control on you would blow reddit up.

  5. He’s only punishing himself (and you!) by refusing to have sex.

    To my knowledge, you have few options since I gather hormonal birth control isn’t an option and you aren’t ready for sterilization. Since it isn’t something I have to worry about (got my tubes yoinked), I’m sorry i can’t offer any options with any degree of authority.

    But seriously. He’s essentially punishing you for not being able to take birth control.

  6. Does he have a thicker or larger penis? He could check out mysize for better fitting condoms

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