I’m a gay man and I’m very fortunate to have Hilary Duff, Wanda Sykes, and shopper #341 call out people when they say “that’s so gay” in a negative way. Regardless, I was just curious if you guys had any examples of when someone said “that’s so gay” in a disparaging (or casual) way!

  1. A moment when someone told me that’s so gay for something I did is when I was talking to my friend about my crush. I was telling her how cute he is and how I want to ask him out, and she said “That’s so gay.”

  2. When I said I love Jane Austen novels. I didn’t give a f**ck, of course. Jane Austen rules.

  3. That’s so gay.

    But dude, sometimes you have to take a little ribbing without being offended. Maybe give it back a little.

  4. I say “that’s so gay” all the time. Growing up in the 90s this means whatever.

    I’m gay and when I say it to my straight friends I make sure I give a judging look with a hint of “I think you secretly bat for my team” (all in jest).

    When I say it to my gay friends I literally mean it.

  5. The last time anyone said that to me, it was my gay boss. I was very uncertain whether to agree or not…

  6. For some reason the people who always call me gay in a negative way are always really unpleasant women.

  7. I wish gay people weren’t offended by it, its just how the American language is. Words have multiple meanings. I call shit gay all the time

  8. I grew up in the 90s, so everything. Anything you did in the 90s was gay according to someone.

  9. I don’t recall. The last time I heard that phrasing or similar was in middle school well over a decade ago

  10. Its not what you enjoy doing, its who you like to do it with that separates gay from straight.

  11. I broke out into song once as a bit that was supposed to make this girl laugh, and instead she says “… You are sooooo gay.”

  12. Well in my industrie it’s a common phrase to say you need to toughen up. Not in english and thé word mean different things but still Can be translated as “you’re really gay” “t’es vraiment une tapette”.

  13. I’m gay and in the early naughties called everything gay just because we thought we were post everything and I liked annoying straight people. Tbh it wasn’t really about being gay, it just perfectly captures a certain sort of uptight pretentiousness. It’s basically pearl clutching which is also sexist/homophobic. There are different ways of using the word but what I think is interesting is that gay as a word really often means feminine. Sexism and homophobia are a mess. Anyways another gay friend explained how awful hearing gay gay gay would be to young gay kids and I never said it again.

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