I LOVE hearing about ghost stories, especially “true” ones! And what better time to talk about them then I’m October? So, tell me about when you encountered a ghost.

  1. I meet a girl in Salsa lessons, we hit it off pretty well, after exchanging numbers we talked all the time, then some day out of nowhere she stopped answering my texts and picking up my calls, she also left the Salsa lessons.

  2. It happened a REALLY long time ago but I once met this guy who defended an island single-handedly from invasion by a Mongol army.

  3. there is this girl that ghosts me and comes every 3 to 4 months. It’s weird, I do not know what she wants. I made it clear that I don’t want to be her friend.

  4. At 2014, I was getting drunk with my friend, at a farm that he worked. It was a cold winter nigth, and we got so drunk that we even jumped into the pool. After that, he remembered a local story about an abandoned, maybe haunted house nearby into the woods, near a lake, so we decided to go there. We didn’t have any decent weapons to protect ourselves from wild animals, so he grabbed the .22LR that was used to butcher pigs. I grabbed a machete and then we hit the woods.

    My memory after that is very blurry, but I remember that something was following us in the forest, and when we started to run, that thing run after us. Some shots were fired and we screamed a lot. I don’t remember anything else. When I waked up in the next morning, we were in front of whatat once was the haunted house, now a still burning pile of charcoal.

    We were both ligthly injured with cuts all over, and when my friend waked up, he also didn’t remembered much. I don’t think that we were the ones that burned down the house, since we didn’t have anything higly flamable with us, only booze.

    To this day, I never found the machete. Ended up buying another one.

    Edit: We changed clothes after jumping into the pool and venturing into the woods.

    Edit 2: This happened during college.

  5. So I don’t know if I believe in ghosts, but I’ve had some weird stuff happen throughout my life that makes me think they could exist. This story will sound like bullshit but I promise it’s not.

    When I was younger we lived in a house that looking back on it honestly seemed haunted. Stuff would happen all the time (Footsteps on the roof, lights going on and off, TV channels changing) and my parents constantly dismissed it as electrical issues so my sister and I just figured that was what it was. It was creepy when it happened (and Dad would always go outside and look on the roof when we heard steps) but it wasn’t anything major.

    That being said, I was always deeply afraid of our basement despite loving creepy/scary things. I loved horror movies and ghost stories but just something about our basement closet didn’t sit right with me and I was truly terrified of it and wouldn’t go down there alone.

    Well one day I really wanted to play with this toy I knew was stored down in the basement closet and everyone else was outside at the edge of the yard which was a decent hike from the house, so I had to go down alone to go get it. I creeped down the stairs, turning on all the lights, telling myself there’s no such thing as ghosts over and over out loud, and getting cocky about it. I get to the closet at the back of the basement (a giant walk in closet), open it, walk inside and yell “there’s no such thing as ghosts!” and reached for my toy. At that moment I heard the scariest, most maniacal laughing I’ve ever heard in my life coming from deep in the back of the closet. I nearly fainted.

    I ran so fast out of the basement my feet literally slipped on the carpet looney toons style and I went flying out of the house down to the edge of the yard (where everyone still was) screaming my head off. My Dad and uncle ran into the house and searched it top to bottom to make sure someone wasn’t in there and told me it was my imagination, it absolutely was not my imagination.

    I found out many years later my parents never did think it was my imagination and heard things down there themselves (growling, whistling, and scraping) too but brushed it off since there was no one down there and they didn’t know what it was.

  6. Ghost stories as in “Boo!” or as in “she just *stopped* talking to me!” ?

  7. I went out on one date with a girl and she started talking love and the crazy came out, so I ghosted her

  8. Not a ghost story but I remember after I took I used the toilet my body felt woozy and I slammed into the wall on the side and whilst my body was fighting to stay conscious the lights began to flicker(although it might’ve been my eyes blinking a lot) and when I came too I had a sore arm and ankle. This happened at 3AM and I haven’t had an experience like that eversince.

  9. I have a few I’ll start from light to the creepiest/freakiest. To start with my house has always had freaky things happen occasionally I remember one time I was going downstairs for food at 2am and there was a random turquoise light beaming in the room and I didn’t bother to find out another time I was in my bathroom and there was someone standing behind me that I was saw in the mirror like LITERALLY saw with my own eyes in the mirror full head of hair and I assumed it was my brother and so I looked back and went into all the rooms upstairs and there was no one there at all. Freakiest was probably when I went out camping one time in the woods and I fell asleep but I felt like a woman biting my neck and I tried shrugging it off and when I woke up it was like some sleep paralysis thing and this demon was choking me out to the point I couldn’t breath like literally even when I broke out of the sleep paralysis I had a marks all over my neck and I was gasping for air as if I didn’t breathe the whole time that was definitely the most surreal and freakiest also like the same camping trip I saw some weird figure walk into my cousins tent and then she described a similar experience and actually screamed during the night which shat me up entirely.

  10. So I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in any any god. Same goes for ghosts and all that. But I have no explanation for what happened this one day.

    I was a teen in the 80’s and one summer, my best friend and I hung out at this one girls house everyday. She swore the place was haunted. even had a name for the ghost. Frank. Would say that “Frank” would do something and she’d ask him to stop and he’d slam the door or something.

    So one day, we’re out on the enclosed patio where the pool table was. Door and windows are al shut. This is where we’d enter and leave the house from. After we get done playing pool, my friend and the girl heads to the living room to play Atari or whatever while I remained on the patio just to chill for a minute. To this day, I can’t figure out how this happened.

    As I’m sitting there, I see the door open all on it’s own. About half way. [WTF?!?!] I remain sitting there, not trying to panic. Then I say *Can you shut the door?* Nothing happens. A moment later, I say *Franky, will you shut the door please?* [**SLAM!!**] The door is now shut. I say thank you, get up and start walking towards the living room. As soon as I step foot out of the patio, I start running and yelling the girls name. I tell her and my friend what happened and she thought it was funny. That is exactly the stuff she deals with all the time living there.

    To this day, I cannot figure out how that happened. The house had central air and thus being summer, no other doors or windows were open. No breeze through the house that would cause it to move. No pets so it wasn’t a dog pushing it open. The door open and slammed shut all on it’s own. I have no explanation.

    My mom told me one time when a family member was really sick, she was home and laid down for a nap. She has a dream of this family member standing there waving bye to her. Then the phone rings and whoever tells my mom that the member just passed. According to mom, she replied that she knows. When asked how, she told them that the member just waved bye to them and then hung up the phone.

  11. I once went ghost hunting and instead of experiencing a ghost, I just thoroughly debunked the ghost hunter’s methods.

    Believers in the super natural don’t really like hanging out with me.

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