So Im talking to this girl and she’s getting mad at me for saying that fat people should go to the gym or eat healthy and saying i’m
fat shaming n judging people. Am I in
the wrong or is she? What should I tell her

  1. You have to ask yourself if your intention is to help someone improve their health, or to be a dick in order to feel better about yourself: that’s really the difference.

  2. No one is in the wrong here, you can have your opinion (I share that opinion so you aren’t alone) and she doesn’t have to like it. There is nothing to tell her, you either accept that she doesn’t share your opinion and move on with life or leave the situation.

  3. Not every person who has fat can afford to go to a gym or if a person has a disability that can’t be seen on the outside. It not always just a case of eating healthy either. Diet plans dont work for everyone, and sometimes the healthy food can cost more. You need some sort of exercise even just walking to help loose weight. I have fibromyalgia and soft bones and walking hurts and I would love to loose a couple of stone I’m not majorly over weight, and have been trying to loose but the amount of tablets doctors have me on for pain doesn’t help. It one of them situations where sometimes you can’t win.

  4. Just refrain from making comments about other people behind their back unless you would feel comfortable going to say it directly to their face

  5. You sound young so ima tell you in a nice way before you get told in a very mean way in the future, stop caring about other people if they dont have anything to do with you, even if somone is unhealthy or seems weird to you. Caring too much about other people just makes you look extra insecure about yourself which is why the girl may start losing attraction to you. As long as what someone is doing doesn’t hurt anyone around them it’s none of your business.

  6. Well…yeah its kinda like saying an addict needs to go to rehab. I mean, of course we all know that but you wanna have compassion and when you don’t it turns women off.
    Fat people eat what they eat to cope with their feelings/trauma.
    Im not saying we should enable addictions at all, I don’t really care for the whole fat is beautiful movement, I just think one should withhold unnecessary judgement and instead show compassion and acceptance.

  7. Honestly just keep that shit to yourself dude it’s unnecessary. If you really feel the need to talk about how far people are you probably need to go to therapy. It’s not your job to be the fucking weight police

  8. Sorry, but it’s you. Many fat people do eat healthy and go to the gym. Rather than listing everything you should read this:


    People are much more likely to be overweight if they are poor in the US due to the factors listed by the Human Services Department article. Being overweight is an incredibly difficult thing due to the abuse and discrimination that comes with it, which causes higher stress and ultimately creates a positive feedback loop for more weight gain.

    Most dieting and exercise plans popular in the US cause rapid weight loss which slows the metabolism. Most people who lose weight gain back more than they lost originally and experience the same risk factors or even higher risk as a result of the weight loss.

    Ultimately, your girlfriend is trying to be a productive member of society who values kindness. By reducing the stress and discrimination fat people experience, she’s the one helping people lose weight in the larger scheme of things if that’s what you value more.

  9. why would you assume that someone who is fat does not go go the gym nor eat healthy? I know some fat people who are very healthy and work out regularly. There are so many factors that contribute to a persons weight. Sometimes even medication. Have some compassion ans as others have pointed out, mind your own business🙂

  10. Ugh. You can’t say anything in this day and age and not be judged by it. Saying that fat people should be healthy and try and not be fat is not “fast shaming” it’s a fact. Being fat is unhealthy. It’s not discriminating to be factual. Science has shown for centuries that being fat isn’t good. It leads to serious health issues and shorter life spans. Modern science shows us this even more. It’s not fat shaming it’s true. (These are the same people that tell us to “believe the science” yet deny the science when it doesn’t suit them)
    And as someone who is obese, for some reason I’m allowed to say that although I’ll probably be called something.
    It’s like saying anorexic people should seek help for their eating disorder and self image problems is “skinny shaming.” It’s not. They should seek help.

    What WOULD be far shaming is insulting a fat person for their size. Would be giving them horrid looks at the gym when they’re trying hard. Would be not wanting to sit next to them just because they’re fat (we feel bad enough about feeling ourselves touching you as it is). Would be throwing insults at is when we’re eating. Shit like that is fat shaming.
    Saying that fat people should eat healthy and go to the gym – SAYING! Not even TELLING a fat person, just saying it as a personal thought – is not fat shaming.

    People are too sensitive today and even saying anything against anyone is somehow insulting and shaming. It’s bullshit. If they don’t like science then they might as well be called science shamers or science deniers.

    You’ve not shamed anyone. You’ve not insulted anyone. You’ve not even told anyone to do something. You simply stated a personal thought based of scientific fact.

    And yes. As an obese person I really do need to eat healthier and I do need to go the gym. I felt so much better inside and out when I was thinner and eating better. Now I’m the biggest I’ve ever been, I feel worse about myself every day, I struggle more than I used to, I can’t fit into any of the clothes I used to wear, I can only wear tracksuit bottoms because jeans rip at the crotch if I crouch down at all (this even happened to a new pair I wore for the first time that were loose on me). I have to wear cycling shorts instead of boxers to stop my thighs rubbing together and getting chaffing which results in some weird heat rash scaley looking darker skin. And my cock is much smaller than it used to be and sometimes when it is soft it goes into my pubic fat, which is uncomfortable (especially when my fiancé wants to play with me) and I have to move it to get it to stick out again and it. She says she loves my cock, but she’s definitely getting less of it than she did when we first got together and I find it depressing.

    We need to be healthier. We need to eat healthier. We need to get help for our overeating, and we need to go to the gym or do more exercise. I feel worse now physically than I ever and even though my mental health is far better than it ever was (therapy for severe depression several years ago) I feel worse about myself than I ever did despite being with my loving fiancé who loves me regardless of how I look.

    You’ve shamed no one and don’t let her think you have.

  11. The quote ‘don’t judge anyone until you’re perfect’ applies here, it’s none of your business

  12. If she asked your opinion it’d be fine, but there is no particular reason to just bring it up and comment on somebody else’s struggles in life. Random criticism doesn’t do anyone any good, so why waste your breath? That’s my question.

  13. Well if you’re all about health…example…you’re also loud about how people should not smoke or drink and how underweight people should eat healthy too then no, you’re not wrong, just consistent with your values and principles…But if you’re the type of dude to take a long drag out of a cigarette before spouting your wise words on how unhealthy fat people are…then…you just mind seeing fat people

  14. Fat people know they are fat. Leave them alone and find something more interesting to talk about. I support her stance

  15. I mean… its like saying fat people have two eyes and a nose. Everyone should eat healthy and exercise.

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