I’m hopeless I should just end this now

  1. Please know that you are loved and needed. Everyone has their downs, and always have ups at the end of it. There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not alone.

  2. Nothing is wrong with you. Probably something is wrong with your parents lol. Or your job. Maybe your house sucks. Or your brain chemistry is off.

    Mostly tho, it’s probably a collection of those things. You are not your thoughts. You’re somewhere else inside, don’t get lost. You are not your thoughts. You are the voice that commands them. You’re just a bit off course that’s all, and you can slide right back in.

    I’m sure you’ve been told but I’ll say it again. Therapy therapy therapy. It will help you unlock and uncover what’s the matter, and give you tools to overcome it forever. If you can’t afford therapy? Start reading self help workbooks on whatever your concerns are: anxiety, depression, EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy – there’s a million things to find because millions of people are jacked up like me and you.

    Take care, you’re alright. We’re all out here struggling in the dark with you. Believe me.

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