The Dating Game has Changed.. Women are generally terrified of Men.. Men have no idea how to talk to women anymore.

Who has it tougher you ask? Both. But for very different reasons.

From a Man’s POV, You are still generally expected to make the first move, despite nowadays being labelled unfairly in most cases as ‘creepy’. Simply put to those who think this? How on earth do you expect a Man to approach you when this is the Stigma nowadays?
Sure there are more than enough Men out there who do harass women and they should be dealt with and prosecuted for being this way, but labelling a Man who approaches you respectfully and does everything by the book will ultimately scar him from doing it again. Women need to Stop.

From a Women’s POV, Online Dating makes it easy to decide what man is ‘Worthy’ of your attention and if they do fall flat, no matter you have a plethora of others to move on to. However, Men in general are not as serious as women when it comes to a proper relationship, this can often leave women with the ‘ick’ feeling because men are not looking for the security of a stable relationship, just casual flings. Men Need to Stop disgusting behaviour.

Neither Men nor Women have clean hands and both need to be more mindful of how their actions affect the other. From My perspective I just want to have a nice healthy and happy relationship, Find my Soulmate and Enjoy My Lovelife with someone Special. Give People a Chance, be respectful and Spread Love.

Online Dating has Ruined Dating for both Sexes. My Advice would be to avoid this and try and enjoy more Real World Connections.

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