Me (M24) just started dating someone (F25) from my improv classes. We hit it off really well and started dating almost immediately when we met mid September of this year. This is all great, but I have an amazing job opoortunity for a lot more money, and this job would land me in canada (we’re in MO) for the life of a construction project with a projected life of 1-2 years. I’m not looking for advice on whether or not to take the job, a month is not enough time to warrant career decisions IMO. What i would like is to try long distance, because shes awesome, and i havent felt a connection like this in such a long time. But i really dont want to come off too strong. I feel like she may be open to it because she feels the same way about me, but it feels tricky. I know theres plenty of fish in the sea, but she feels special and i want to try and make it work. Does anybody on here have a similar situation, and if so how did you handle it?

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