Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. This seems to be a morning of minor woes. First, I forgot to bring milk to work, so I took a splash from a random box in the fridge for my coffee. Unfortunately, it was bad (it didn’t split, but I didn’t like the taste). Afterwards, I scraped my finger on the door hinge when I was closing the door. I put a plaster, and am now thinking that I should *actually* report this as a workplace accident.

    I’ll do it sometime.

    It reminded me of a company I worked for one year, where I had a similar injury. My colleagues called an ambulance for it. I am not joking (the company had their own ambulance).

    Do you guys also have similar “report every minor accident” policies at your workplace (I mean, it’s probably not a policy but the law)?

  2. Something that really annoys me about France (and Southern Europe in general) is how unsubstantial their breakfasts are. Is it really that weird to want eggs for breakfast? Sometimes I get up too late or have nothing in my fridge and want to treat myself to breakfast in a nice little café, but the French idea of a good café breakfast seems to be just a single measly pastry or a tiny piece of baguette with jam on it, accompanied by some coffee and juice. What is the point of breakfast if you’re not breaking your nightly fast in any meaningful way? I’m not even asking for a full English FFS, I just want a little bit of protein so I don’t end up hungry later in the day! Grrr

  3. A blue I really like is the dark blue in the hair of the subject in Roy Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girl. Or at least in photos I’ve seen of it. Never seen the painting in the flesh, but I’d love to. Love that painting.

    I really want to visit MoMA in New York. It’s one of those cities I’d go to for just one museum.

  4. I would really, really, really like to spend 5 minutes alone in a soundproof room with the person who decided that 63 characters is enough for a postgresql tablename.

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