my bf of 3 months is turning 26 in three weeks, and gift giving stresses me out SO much

some relevant things about him:

– he is an engineer, extremely intelligent and technical; loves science and space
– pretty active and adventurous. he is well- traveled, and we have done activities together like indoor climbing, paddle boarding, and jet skiing. he used to practice judo for many years
– loves beer. specifically ales
– games a lot. his favorites are WoW, TFT, & magic the gathering
– likes to read. we are currently reading Project Hail Mary together
– loooves snacking, sushi, and ramen. we go out to eat a lot

I am thinking of putting a basket together and including his favorite candies & snacks, maybe a pint or two of beer… but then I am at a loss when it comes to a “real” gift. I was initially thinking concert tickets but literally none of his favorite artists are touring right now so idk. I would be so appreciative of any ideas!!

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  2. Is there any sport gear that’s getting worn out, so you could gift him a replacement?

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