Throwaway account because I don’t want her seeing this as she knows my main accounts name. (Please bare with spelling and formatting as English is not my native language)

So I know this might sound like a dumb question but I’ve only really been in 1 real relationship before and that ended nearly 2 years ago and lasted for about a year and a half. I’ve been on dates during that time period but nothing really clicked.

So we met on a dating app about a month ago. The conversation between us honestly went great and by the third day of chatting I asked her out for drinks for the Friday night. The date went amazing and we spent about 7 hours chatting and dancing before I left (she stays about an hours drive from where I do so I didnt want to stay out to late and risk driving while tired). Before I left we did make out though.

The next day I went back into her City to watch rugby at the stadium with my friends. I told her the previous night that I’ll be in the city again for the rugby and we made plans to see each other again. I was there with a few friends and had a after party at my place as our team won and we wanted to celebrate. She ended up joining us back for the hour drive to my place where we eventually had sex that night.

Next weekend she went to a different province on vacation thus we didn’t see eachother.

Last weekend we made plans where she would come to my place and stay for the weekend (she stays on the university campus dorms thus I can’t really visit her at het place) We had different activities planned for the weekend as I wanted to get to know her in different types of environments. So we went to a bar again the Friday night, Saturday we went ice skating and went to a nice restaurant for dinner and the Sunday we where at a music festival. The entire time we were at my place we either spended making out/cuddling on the sofa watching TV

We’ve been chatting non stop these past 4 weeks over text and once a week we basically have an one-two hour call

And now she will be coming back to my place this Saturday. Like I obviously know not to ask her this weekend as it will be to soon, I just want to know how long should I wait more or less before asking as to not scare her off.

She was honest with me last weekend and told me that after we met the first time she had another coffee date during the next week (we’re not exclusive so I don’t care about it) but she told me directly when she got home she deleted all of her dating apps. (Typing that sentence makes me feel like I’m over thinking this, but as I said I don’t want to scare her away as I really do like her…)

Any advice on more or less how long to wait before asking to make things exclusive/to be in a relationship.

  1. Don’t ask her. All you need to do is to concentrate on hanging out with her and HAVING FUN. If you ask her to be exclusive that is trying to put a label on the relationship. This is something you don’t need to worry about, dating should be fun, it doesn’t need a status or label. Just concentrate on having a good time when you are with her and she will let you know when she wants to become exclusive.

  2. I think the only time I’ve actually asked this was my first gf, because I thought I was supposed to. Otherwise, it sort of happens naturally. We’re dating a few months, spending more and more time together, until one of us introduces us as bf/gf, or says it casually during a conversation. That’s about it.

    But in this situation, sounds like she’s sending you some signals she wants to be exclusive. I don’t think you need to worry about scaring her off if you want to ask now. Seems like you’re both on the same page, and you’re probably wanting to both ask that question.

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