Which appliance can you not live without?

  1. Boiling water tap. I’m British – I want my tea and I want my tea *now*. I don’t have time to wait for the kettle to boil.

  2. Electric kettle because I love tea. Also ice maker so I can put ice in my tea because I like iced tea.

    Also, fridge and stove because I like cooking and need to store food and ingredients.

  3. A twofer, but washer and dryer. I’m ok with washing dishes by hand and making rice on the stove top because I have a tiny kitchen and no counter space for a rice cooker or cabinet space for a dishwasher. 🥲

  4. Multipurpose Airfryer


    Rice Cooker

    Appliances that I can live without but perhaps choose not to because of the convenience it brings to my lifestyle:

    Electric Kettle

    Electric Whisk

    Egg Cooker

  5. Washer & dryer in my home. I don’t miss lugging clothes for a family of 4 back and forth to the laundry mat.

  6. My kettle and water machine. I drink a lot of water and tea so those appliances are very important

  7. The refrigerator. I am learning this the hard way. But say I wasn’t currently dealing with a dead fridge, I would say my air fryer.

  8. I run super super cold, so I gotta go with my space heater. I get cold so easily that I even use it during the summer months.

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