I have only used Tinder once before but it was a friend-turned-boyfriend situation since neither of us were looking. This time as well, I was honestly just looking to connect with people and had zero expectations. Just for some context.

So I \[Late20sF\] and a guy “J” \[Late20sM\] met on Tinder early October. We didn’t talk much there but somehow decided to meet, and when we did, we just vibed really well. The date went extremely well and we felt we have never met anyone so similar before. We have since been on 8 dates since then, meeting around 2 times a week, which is quite often given we’ve known each other for approx 2 weeks. Honestly we got along so well and the dates have been so casual and fun \[2nd and 3rd date, I met his friends for drinks\] that I was convinced it was platonic, and I would’ve been fine with that. Heck, one movie night we watched horror and Jackass at his place and we just joked about the movies.

But a few dates after that, he opened up and asked me if I would like to try dating more seriously, not exclusively but we would both delete Tinder and see how it goes. I was shocked, it was completely unexpected, but I was happy. I am attracted to him, but no deeper feelings yet. Like, I don’t really get giddy when he texts or look forward to his texts. I never felt the need to wonder or feel anxious if he doesn’t back quickly enough or whatever, because I know he’ll get back to me and I trust he would, so I just send memes or message him and he would reply as soon as he can. What I’m trying to explain is that we’re really comfortable around each other and understand each other enough and never had the phases of doubts, if that makes sense? I enjoy the conversations a lot and it’s always great to hear / see him. He says he also really likes me and he shows through his actions.

I’m posting asking for perspective. Usually when I date / have a relationship, there’s a foundation of friendship already built over a few months before anything datey happens. J is sincere and serious about giving us a shot, but I’m wondering if things are moving too fast? I’m concerned we’re rushing things because we are just so similar and comfortable to an extent \[especially given it’s been only 2 weeks\]. We haven’t rushed into intimacy yet but recent dates have started to be somewhat hot and heavy, but he stops when asked. It takes me a while longer to feel properly comfortable to be intimate, and that is achieved during the friendship stage where things are completely platonic. But we’ve sort of skipped that / combined with “seriously dating and seeing how it goes”, which is my main reason for being slightly uncomfortable and hesitant.

Am I just overthinking because this is different from my usual process? I do feel things are happening quickly. Any insight is appreciated.

1 comment
  1. I think if it feels right, it doesn’t matter how fast you go. It might also be nice to try something different, especially if most of your past relationships were slowly built over time compared to this one.

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