Valet had the car parked out front at a nice restaurant.

One valet hands the keys back, the other opens the car door

Who do I tip?

  1. Not a tipping expert but for the situation like you mentioned, the tips are probably pooled.

    If it’s individual, you can bet they won’t hand keys to anyone else.

  2. I would guess they split/pool tips then split at end. I’ve tipped them when I drop, they remember you and your car.

  3. The dude that is the easiest. More then likely, the dude holding your door open is in less of a hurry.

  4. I sort of worked vallet for a while. (I mean it really was a vallet service at a restaurant, but we were a total scam).

    Most people tip when you pickup.

  5. I would say tip the one who opens the door, after examining the interior.

    In my experience the one who gave the keys is the same one who opens the door, usually.

  6. Whoever drove your car or the key guy would be my pick. Good chance that they split the tips regardless.

  7. Give to anyone of them and say “share it with your buddy!” Out loud so both can hear!

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