I’m a 22 year old female. I have “friends” but they’re abroad and no one keeps in touch with me. My “best friend” and I would talk everyday on FaceTime till I decided to stop being the one to call her and now it’s been months and I haven’t heard from her. My dad helps me financially so that’s the only time we ever talk (parents divorced), my mom has severe depression and never responds to my texts or calls (All these people I’ve mentioned are abroad as I’m studying for university in a different country). I’ve made friends over the years and have lost all of them, had a boyfriend but he left me. My sister has me blocked over political differences and my brothers are just too young to care about me. I have no one that checks up on me, talks to me, anything. I can go days without hearing my own voice if it wasn’t for me speaking to my dog (the only reason I’m still alive). I know it may seem like I am the problem, but the main reason friends have left my life is because their priorities were different (wanting to constantly party instead of hangout), robbing me, exploiting me etc…. I have absolutely no one. I have no family that visits me on family weekend at university or thanksgiving or Christmas, no one to hangout with or talk to or vent to. I’m very broke so I can’t afford to do much and no one in my university seems to want to be my friend. Is this normal ? Or is there something wrong with me? It seems as though everyone has at least one person whether it’s a family members or friend and I have no one, and sometimes I wonder how long it’ll take for someone to discover my body when I die.

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