My boyfriend is getting physically turned on when I tell him I love him or something loving towards him. I’ll be saying something like how much I love him, and he’ll get extremely hard. We’re both in our 40’s, been together for over a year. Is this a kink? He says he’s never experienced anything like it. Anyone heard of this? ty

  1. Yes. The kink is called Love lol

    Joking aside, I think sometimes we lose sight of how love and sex are inseparability intertwined. He loves the crap out of you! I think you’ve found a winner 🙂

  2. Maybe he’s just super excited to hear that from someone other than his mom for the first time in his fuckin life like many of us.

  3. After our second date, when BF had to leave, I walked him out. I kissed him and said “I love you” for the first time. Later, he told me he’d instantly become hard and it took a while for him to “calm down” during the drive home.

    Several days ago, I’m getting him off. I mention our first kiss/first I Love You, and he grew a bit as he thought about that memory.

    During snuggles, he gets extra cuddly when I tell him he’s my favorite person.

    He just loves being mine, being loved by me.

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