The title says it all. My shyness has ruined my life entirely. Talking to strangers seems so hard when your shyness takes over everything. I blush and sweat and can’t hold on a conversation normally. All I ever wanna do is just leave the situation. It is so exhausting to have to deal with this every single day. How will I ever get over this?

  1. -Don’t be shy, be confident!

    No but being seriously I’m a shy guy and the exact same. It gets easier with practice and you’ll find out that people don’t mind if you’re shy.
    I’m male and girls usually bring it up as they notice me being shy and they’re always okay with it and try to comfort me

  2. See a speech therapist! To work on techniques to teach your brain to attain to continuing a conversation and APPEAR to be cool, despite the turmoil you might feel inside. I do think maybe like other poster said, could be social anxiety going on? The SLP will also be able to work on behavioral therapy with you to reduce social anxiety and reactions to certain speaking situations/environments. Also, if you have insurance a lot of SLPs are covered by insurance due to the influx of anxiety that came from covid lockdowns etc.

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