So in my class there is this one total dickbag, who always insults others and doesnt take no shit from anyone, and he has been doing this for a long time. It has also happened to me sometimes, and it happened to me today aswell. In pe he purpossfully threw a ball at my head, not hard, but just did it and i got really mad from thay, but didnt do anything back. Im wondering the next time he disrespects me should I be aggresive bacl or fight him or what, because he is really getting on my nerves thinking he is invincible. He is around 173cm, kind of skinny, but aggressive. I am 181 cm and muscular, but i am not a very aggresive or loud guy and mostly keep to myself. Recently i have been standing up for myself a lot, and most of my bullies were pussies and didnt do anything and left me alone, but this guy doesnt seem to be affected.

  1. The best way to undo an aggressive person is to laugh at them. Aggressive people have the weakness of needing to be taken seriously. I wouldn’t advise a fistfight unless you know martial arts, and even if you win completely, there’s aftermath consequences. I’d say just don’t take this person so seriously.

  2. If you react back harshly or violently they will take that as a challenge, not as a reason to stop. If you do that, things will only escalate.

    Laughing at their inability to throw a ball or expressing that you feel sorry for them tends to be more disarming. People bully others to make themselves feel stronger. If you make bullying something that removes that power it’s more likely to make them stop.

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