Hi, I am a female and while having sex I have noticed that my vagina gets really dry with any kind of condoms or lubes, including Latex free condoms and even organic lubes..

It has become very upsetting as my sexual frustration has been growing stronger each and every day because I don’t feel any pleasure during the act. I am single but when I have the opportunity to do something with a guy I reject him because I don’t want to be disappointed in the sex.

I went to gynecologists and made all the tests and they told me that everything was normal and healthy.

So am assuming that it has something to do with psychology maybe ? Or something else

What are your thoughts and has it already happened to you too ?

1 comment
  1. You Don’t need to go into psychotherapy!

    Latex free condoms are 95% of times, polyisoprene (synthetic latex) and share the rubbery feel and the need to have preservatives added to prevent decay of the elastomer.

    If you want to try different condom materials, you can try polyurethane, polyethylene and natural LambSkin condoms.

    Those condoms can also be used with oil based lubes like coconut oil without ripping apart, unlike latex and polyisoprene ones.

    As for lubes, everyone stresses about pH but almost no one mentions the huge osmotic potential imbalance that the vast majority of water based lubes have with the body that actually promotes irritation and STI transmission.

    Even the WHO is preoccupied:

    [link 1](https://womensvoices.org/osmolality-ph-properties-commercial-lubricants/)

    [link 2](https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/76580/WHO_RHR_12.33_eng.pdf%3Bjsessionid=838B452435168C72528B5666000E873B?sequence=1)

    [link 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5977164/)

    If you want to try polyethylene condoms, [Casual Toys](https://m.facebook.com/casualtoys/) has the Unique Condoms that aren’t easy to find…

    My personal preference of lubes are good silicone based lube like Exxtreme Glide Silicone, Pjur Backdoor, Uberlube… that can be used with any kind of condom.

    Woo (coconut oil based) is also very comfortable, but cannot be used with latex or polyisoprene (synthetic latex) condoms.

    Good luck 🍀

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