She’s [24F] very religious,hates alcohol and i told her that i drink from time to time. I[25M] was drinking with my friends at a house and she started texting me, i didn’t want to text her back since i was drunk but she’s used to get a reply instantly whenever she texts me so i feared that she’ll worry or becomes suspicious of what i’m doing i wanted to send her few texts but i messed up, not only did my messages were full of mistakes but i also sent her a vocal so she knew what i was doing. This morning she told me that she slept angry last night and thought about dumping me but she didn’t want to be cruel plus she said that she knows i’m a good person when i’m sober. I told her that i feel so guilty and that i’m so depressed because of how i made her feel. And i still feel soooo sad even though we’re talking again. Please can someone relief me from this suffering i’m going through.

  1. Wait… she got *you* to apologise for not adhering to *her* religious strictures against alcohol consumption?

    Well played, Ms. Whoeverthefuck.


    OP, grow a spine. She knew you drank occasionally, nothing was hidden here. Her inability to deal with the natural consequences of drinking is not your failing.

  2. So, are you trying to quit drinking or just hide your drinking from her for the rest of your life?

    Do you have a drinking problem or does she just not think you should drink and is trying to control what you do?

  3. You didn’t “make her feel” anything. She is responsible for her own feelings. You are an adult and are allowed to drink. You can choose to drink just like she chooses not to. She doesn’t get to make decisions about you nor should she judge you. You weren’t out murdering puppies you had some drinks at a friend’s house. Stop beating yourself up. You didn’t do anything wrong. And, spoiler alert, you don’t turn into a bad person when you drink. You’re a good person, period, not just when you’re living your life according to what she thinks is right.

  4. i don’t understand the conflict here… you are a grown man having a drink with friends… unless there’s more to the story you are leaving out i don’t see what the problem is. it’s fine if she wants to date someone who doesn’t drink, but she knew you drank and accepted it. this seems like a red flag to me…

  5. Alcohol is the best shit when you don’t go beyond the threshold lmao, I guess you messed up lol, t~~ell her you are genuinely sorry,~~ h actually not, I wouldn’t what to say but saying sorry doesn’t seem like a good idea I have the impression, it would make you look weak but a gf like that and friends who incite you to get drunk with alcohol don’t mix very well.

  6. It sounds like she is trying to guilt you into not drinking anymore, and she probably thinks she can “fix” your behavior so it lines up more with her ideals. You’re a bad match and she knows it but she want’s the challenge and drama of a “bad boy”. Not to say that you are a bad person or anything like that. You have your own life to live and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t let her dictate how you spend your time

  7. dude, don’t let her dictate your actions. you do whatever makes you happy. If you offended her, apologize, but if you didn’t, don’t apologize. you guys are dating or seeing each other, so you want to text when you’re drunk, happens to all of us normal people. It’s not the end of the world. She is manipulating you, dude.

  8. Look, if you knock back a few with the boys every once in awhile, then you’re doing nothing wrong. Just give her a heads up beforehand that you’re going to hang with friends and will probably be drinking a bit. Don’t drive and call a lyft or uber.

    If she is not okay with this, then maybe you should be dating somebody else who is. If she thinks that you’re not allowed to have fun and drink sometimes, then that is a bit of abusive overcontrolling and not okay.

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