These points are for single individuals who are looking for a suitable lifetime partner, and I would also like to declare that the following notes are ***self-representing thoughts***.

**For the male audience,** if you wish to form a perfect relationship, you might need to consider the points below**:**

* Be honest no matter what happens or the consequences.
* Show respect to your female partner, and her family.
* Show gratitude for the little things she would do for you.
* Express your interest in the fields that intrigue her, and try to invest some time to know more about them.
* Be a true lover and show compassion.
* Be a gentleman and a generous provider.
* Weigh your stand before any reaction, and build a trustworthy relationship starting with yourself.
* Listen to your partner, and understand her point of view.
* Show a leading personality, and be a solid support pillar.

Finally, remember that you get what you give.

What do you think? Any additional points?

  1. have the proper sense of self worth to acknowledge the woman who isnt reciprocating a single one of these things properly, is worth walking away from.

  2. Women have lists of demands for days. They NEVER talk about what they bring to the table.

  3. If these kind of things aren’t reciprocated, walk away. Also if she has to think about who to choose between you & another guy or her ex, walk away. You shouldn’t want to work to be with someone that doesn’t want YOU from the start. If you have to constantly jump through hoops just to prove your worth it, then They aren’t worth it. You should only want someone that WANTS to be with you.

  4. Take for example what if I asked said girl I like what’s going on between us. And she said close friends but that she needs time. Should I continue being there for her and being her friend for a chance to date her? Or move on. Because I really do like this girl and it just feels so right

    Edit *asking for advice here* cuz I’m super confused

  5. It’s pretty safe to say that most of us don’t know what we’re doing when it comes to dating. While we likely realize that there is no one way to pursue and maintain a relationship, there are some dating tips advice to keep in mind that will make the process of finding that special someone a little easier.

    It’s also no secret that most of us have made more mistakes than we care
    to admit when it comes to finding the right relationship or even
    practicing proper dating etiquette.
    However, when we make mistakes in relationships and dating, we also
    create an opportunity to learn from those mistakes to improve our
    behaviors for ourselves and our future partners. There are even
    instances when you can look at your friends or family members and learn
    from their dating mishaps so you won’t have to make as many mistakes on
    your own.

  6. The “generous provider” and “leading personality” are a bit outdated. It will turn some women off.

  7. >Be a gentleman and **a generous provider**.
    >Show a **leading personality**, and be a solid support pillar.

    Aside from those two bold areas, the list is good for both men and women to follow.

    On the first one it’s not the 1940’s anymore, and the genders of the workforce has changed. Men are no longer expected to support the family as women are more than capable of supporting themselves or contributing financially. In fact the average family is realistically going to need two incomes to stay afloat comfortably, since wages have stagnated. Corporations basically doubled their available workforce, but the workers themselves didn’t get paid any better or get to work less.

    As for the leading personality bit, that too belongs more in the 1940’s as a part of the pushed gender roles of the past. It leads to sexism and unequal relationships when the guy is thought of as the leader, and the woman is thought of as a submissive follower. They should strive to be equal partners.

  8. Honestly people should expect to get whatever they give out in a relationship. If a girl/guy want to receive love and support then he/she should give it out.

  9. Only one I’d take issue with is “generous provider”. Kind of old fashioned consider men and women make roughly the same as each other now.

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