I was thinking about this a lot lately…As a kid, I was something, I was f—ing hilarious lol

I wasn’t really funny as a teen…But I was comedically dry lol

And I was wondering “Why is this.” What made me comedic gold as a kid but comedic trash as an adult?

Then I thought, what did every elementary schooler to middle schooler do at a young age? Watch cartoons. We watched a lot, I mean, *a lot* of funny shit. Then something within us died…As we got older we stopped watching comedy and started watching…The Fosters ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚

And I feel like because we started watching this more mature stuff, our personalities become darker. We needed to “lighten up” ๐Ÿ”ฆ๐Ÿ˜‚

So I thought if we repeat the process of watching more comedy and funny stuff as we did as kids. What could that do to us? I feel like hearing those comedic moments on tv and applying them to real-life scenarios in our lives can get us to see those moments when they happen and make the joke.

Watch more comedy.

Gain your sense of humor back.

  1. We? I never stopped watching cartoons and I still act like my kid self once in a while and Iโ€™m 27.

  2. I think it’s more to do with fear of judgement – kids don’t have a very developed theory of mind so they don’t worry too much about whether other people will find their jokes funny or not, they just say things they think are funny and assume everyone else will find them funny too. then they grow up and realise that a) not everyone finds the same things funny and b) there can be social consequences for telling jokes that other people don’t find funny, so they develop inhibitions.

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