Well fellow Redditors. This is a bit of a long story and trying to figure out where to begin. How about we sit back and enjoy this cheeky tale of caution and learn from me.

A few weeks ago, I meet a man at a bar I work at, he was confident and cocky to say the least. I put him off for a bit, especially seeing as he was handsey with the other female staff and patrons (remember MC Club Fledgling). I’m familiar with the “club” working and rules. So needless to say I wanted to avoid the drama associated with this lifestyle.

My first mistake was peer pressure. Everyone said he was a great guy. Yeah I bet he is. So I caved. Our first not out, you could tell he tried to make an impression. He pulled out his (Fledgling Vest) and said ” this will scare anyone.” Que the eye roll. I was not impressed. I found it amusing not scary at all. Like your patch is going to scare me. Like I said. I lived the lifestyle for years before baby boy came around.

So during our so called date, he went on and on about how he could last for hours in the bed and how hung he was. Eye roll, your girl here has heard it all so still not impressed. He said “i can turn it off and go for hours.” Eye roll again. Not impressed, I have heard that before and no one has been able to keep up with me (yes I am a bit cocky on this). Lets say we turn this into a bet.

A few days later Fledgling and I meet up again. You guessed it Mistake Number 2. We started off by me giving him a “rhymes with coral,” which unfortunately lasted less than five minutes. He was again cocky and asked if I was able to speak after that. I told him “sadly no it never hit the back of my throat.” So he was unable to get the soldier up for round two and I straight up told him well I guess I would never know if he would have been able to touch the cervix since if he could get it up.

Cue to yesterday. So again we are at work and he is being not only being his cocky self, but giving me the silent treatment i.e. ghosted me after the above cheeky comment. Wouldn’t you know the perfect opportunity arose for me to drop him down a notch. He said he was going home to “water the hose” and had the audacity to say it was massive. I straight up turned to him and his group of friends and told him “well since I didn’t gasp you weren’t equipped nor qualified for the job.”

So I wrote an adult content short story regarding this disastrous encounter with a lot of commentary. Yes, a lot more did occur and was said. It can be found on Amazon and has sold over a 1000 copies so far since he ghosted me. Lil ol me bested the scary biker fledgling.

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