I’ve been friends with someone for a few years now but recently I’ve been noticing some things they’ve been doing and have gotten a bit of a friend Ick. They made fun of a really nice person who had a crush on them because they “sent cringey things on sc”, and they are rlly insecure about themselves and sometimes make comments which put me down. I still remained friends but haven’t been feeling the same, then recently I was at a party and having fun with the person they were making fun of and he is my good friend and completely trustworthy, I was using him for balance and we danced together etc, he helped give me and other water and was just a general nice person I never felt uncomfortable at all, but then my friend started telling him to get away from me and saying he was SAing me, and groping me etc. this was not true at all and they made a scene about it, and in the scene I made a point to say I wanted to stay with him as they literally tried dragging me away…of course he felt terrible and tried to avoid me most the night as he didn’t want to be accused, I felt really bad for him and he’s literally the sweetest person and idky they would do that. Now I don’t really want to talk to her, I just wanted a bit of a break, in school they came up to me and was talking about how he was groping me etc, and I completely disagreed and said he didn’t (she started spreading it to people), I continued to deny. This topic really annoyed me as this is how real cases are pushed aside by false ones like this. Some people who weren’t there and don’t know think he did and i feel so bad for him. Anyways after that I started ignoring her a bit, I’d answer if she talked to me but that was it. Holidays since started and she’s starting to realise I’m ignoring her. Honestly I just wanted a week or two break to think About it, but she’s recentless and texting me like “I can’t go through this”, “I’m depressed now” etc and she’s messaged a few people who are both our friends and they’re messaging me asking stuff etc. this is annoying me more as I think it should be just between us. But also the reason I’m not replying is I simply don’t know what to say… i really hate confrontation and get anxiety and this is not helping … what should I do?

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