Men who talk at the urinals, what the fuck is wrong with you?

  1. I need a life where this is what wrecks my day. No dig at OP… that’s just what I want my biggest problem to be.

    Also…. if it bothers you… just ask if they are hitting on you… that’ll end that conversation real quick… unless they love chaos like me… “why do you want me to hit on you?”… yeah I have no shame. But I don’t really talk to anyone but myself at urinals…

  2. I always notice that men look down when they are alone, aiming I guess. As soon as someone pulls up next door, the gaze goes up. Like we’re trying to say, “I’m not gonna look dude, I don’t even look at my own. Couldn’t tell you what it looks like.”

  3. Curious…would you rather someone speak directly to you at a urinal, or be screaming into a cell phone while sitting on the toilet? Not that either is acceptable, but I think I’d rather the urinal option.

  4. I know, right? I hate when some twat marches up to the adjacent urinal and starts yammering. Just let me shit in peace!

  5. Who the fuck cares once u been to prison n shit in front of someone every day it don’t mater to me but ppl do get up tight about it I remember I went to a concert in Vegas n was pissn n looked down n there was like 3 condoms in the urinal n I was like wat ta fuck there’s rubbers in here n they looked n surly saw my unit idgaf

  6. I mainly groan when i got company at the trough. To see who can hold in their laughter the longest.

  7. Every time the sales manager at my company comes into the bathroom while I’m already in there, he’s always talking on his cell phone. Every time. Does his business while he’s doing his business and doesn’t stop talking until he’s “rinsed” his hands off and walked out the door. It’s like he saves trips to the bathroom until he has an important call to make

  8. Why so unsure of your sexuality that talking to another man while holding your penis offends you so?

    Such a snowflake.

  9. Blushing bladder here, if another guy is at the station, forget it. My bladder retracts and will hold water like a camel until it’s quiet.

  10. In my defense, I was talking to my penis. If you thought I was taking to you, that’s on you.

  11. Just came by to say that’s a solid question. Unless it’s two fellas who have been flirting with each other all night, or were such good friends that I e seen your dick before, don’t talk to me with my dick in my hand.

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