Our next-door neighbour on the house next-door to us on our right keeps coming up to us and being smug about everything, no matter what, and insists that we’re just being silly by being concerned over cost of living and thinks we’re just panicking.

He keeps smugly telling us how much he got things for at Waitrose or at a popular shop, and insists that the cost of living crisis is engineered by crisis actors to get British people panicking and in fear.

He also smugly insisted he will be buying us 10 pizzas from Domino’s because he can! He told us we needed to be more smug and use our egoes to get ahead in life claiming we were wet and weak.

I feel quite worried about this as it’s causing me and my husband worry; whenever he sees us in the neighborhood, he’s always smug to us and keeps making us feel inferior.

We live in a small town and this is a neighbour from hell.

We moved from London to our part of Wales 4 years ago; he’s only been here 18 months.

In our social circles, we haven’t really got egotistical or smug people just people who are nice or really worried about things.

  1. Pretend you’ve recently had a blow to the head and can’t speak English anymore.

  2. You could try the response ‘Ok, boomer’. You don’t say your ages, but it is especially effective if you are older than him. šŸ™‚

    ETA I am myself of that generation… šŸ˜‰

  3. Is it really an issue. You both live in the same place, presumably in similar houses.

    He’s being smug over a couple hundred pounds, which can easily change over a change of circumstance.

    Kill him with kindness, and tell him how happy you are for him. A negative reaction to him will only encourage him.

  4. Use him. Accept the pizzas and anything else he offers. He will do it to feel superior and you get stuff you donā€™t need to pay for.

  5. This really isnā€™t that bad a neighbour problem, just nod politely and mock him as soon as he goes away and be glad you donā€™t live next to a crack house lol

  6. Sounds like he might not be all there to be honest but I would get in the first every time you see with a ā€˜aright Colin, still waiting for those pizzasā€™

  7. Don’t let him make you feel things you don’t want to feel. Just smile and nod, saying “how nice for you” and “Oh really?” while going about your business.

    He is an insecure little man, big fish in a small pond mentality. Just roll your eyes and let him get on with it.

  8. He called you ‘wet and weak’ and you’re still engaging with him? My guess is that he’s socially isolated and bragging makes him feel important. I would be saying ‘I’m terribly sorry, can’t chat, I’m really busy’ whenever he approached.

  9. Do you live on Ramsey street? If not, then you don’t really have to interact with your neighbours, especially Harold Bishop that lives next door on the right.

  10. Usually a neighbour from Hell is making a terrible noise, causing trouble, filling their garden with rubbish to attract vermin or whatever.

    Being smug though? I mean… Doesn’t seem that bad rly.

  11. I bet heā€™s lying. Just wait a couple of months for his gas/electric to be cut off and then you can be smug in your nice warm house

  12. Tell him that he has shit on his shoes every time you see him. Heā€™ll get the message, eventually.

  13. Holy fuck, this is terrible troll posting. It’s like subtlety beat you round the head making you no longer know how to use it.

  14. Yeah ….. I’d look past his smugness if he’s feeding me and my family during these tough times.

  15. “He told us we needed to be more smug and use our egoes to get ahead in life claiming we were wet and weak.”

    Really? Nobody says that, ever ever in a million years. “You need to be more smug.” That’s just not a thing people say.

  16. Tell him you won the postcode lottery, ask him why he didnā€™t enter lol šŸ˜ !!!!

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