today i figured out that a person at work is avoiding me and i believe it is because i am boring. this hurts me extremely especially because i thought i was making progress in befriending / being social with them. it honestly makes me want to stop trying šŸ™ i am soooo upset over this. whats even worse is there is a social event next week that i was planning to attend (i was trying to be social) but now i dont want to because that person probably told other coworkers that i am weird and boring


edit: as of now, i decided that i will call in sick for the social event (it is on friday) and on the following monday and tuesday (so that it is not suspicious)

  1. I feel you. I feel like this at university. I just want you to know you are not alone. I have social anxiety and my anxiety got worse during pandemic. I was really excited to go campus and meet my classmates face to face. But they tend to avoid me due to my social anxiety. It made me demotivated to attempt and make friends. I losed my hope.

    Update: Who is that person? It sounds like you talk about someone special. Donā€™t lose hope. Wear you best outfit and try to look your best. It doesnt matter what that person thinks. You can be friend with other people and make that person change their mind. Even if that person will not change his mind, thereā€™s nothing to lose. You must go that event, donā€™t miss opportunity.

  2. I wish people would avoid me. Iā€™m an introvert thatā€™s really good at attracting people for unknown reasons. Feels like a curse or something

  3. Heyā€¦I want to gently remind you that you donā€™t know for certain if this person shared that they think youā€™re boring. I really empathize with feeling hung up on what coworkers may think of you (for me, I always think my coworkers think Iā€™m really weird :/).
    Friendships take timeā€¦even casual friendships with coworkers! As someone with a lot of social anxiety, I think itā€™s awesome that you put yourself out there!

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