So I’ve been talking to this girl since June 2022, so we’re going on about 4.5 months now of “talking”. We hung out plenty of times with one another, and we talk everyday through Snapchat, text messages etc. At times she tells me “you look sexy” calls me “love” and “boo” and this makes me think that shes into me, which obviously makes me feel good. I, on the other end have completely fallen for her… I love everything about her… I have asked her numerous times “why aren’t we official yet?” Since it seems by the dialogue that we’re both into each other, and she just keeps telling me to give it some time until her hectic schedule with work and school calms down a bit. She also confessed to me that her past boyfriend of 4-5 years was killed and she has lost her aunt and grandfather in the span of a year. Basically her and her family went through a lot so she said “it still hurts and I’d feel guilty jumping into a relationship”

Couple of days ago I confessed to her my fears of “getting played” by her and get left heartbroken and she reassured me by word for word saying “Trust me , I’d never ever hurt you or put you in a position we’re I’d hurt you. That’s def not me , & those are not my intentions for anyone.” This made me feel a little better but still these concerns of mine are still there in the back of my head… I am very unsure on what to do whether I should keep pursuing her and she actually needs the time to heal and she’ll be ready soon enough or if she’s bullshitting and wasting my time (which would really destroy me cuz I put a lot into this for the past 4.5 months and genuinely like her).

Another thing is that she told me a couple of times that her family (specifically her twin sister) wants to meet me, and I told her to introduce me to her family and she just giggled and said not yet.

Btw for context we matched on bumble, that’s how we met, and she liked me first.

I really really like her and I hope it works out… being close to her but not being official with her after serval months is really bothering me and making me second guess a lot of what we have

  1. So have you only been talking to her for 4.5 months or does that include sleeping with her also?

  2. >her past boyfriend of 4-5 years was killed

    (not her fault?) How long ago was that?

    >and she has lost her aunt and grandfather in the span of a year.

    How long ago was that?

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