29M and dating a 28F. We have been seeing each other for over 3 months now. We spent time together mostly all weekends and sometimes see each other on the weekday. On our 3rd month, I told her that I am not seeing anyone and that I’m ready to delete my app (we both have our apps on pause).I told her that I just don’t want to have mine on pause, I’m ready to delete it and really focus my attention on her. She proceeded to tell me that she is also not seeing anyone (I know this already since we had this convo before) and told me she is not planning on seeing anyone at all. She did not mention anything about the app and the conversation ended there. It was reassuring but no explicit mention of us two being exclusive.

In my mind, I think we are exclusive but are not yet in a relationship. My goal is def a relationship with her. Do I bring this conversation back up again?

  1. >She did not mention anything about the app and the conversation ended there. It was reassuring but no explicit mention of us two being exclusive.

    Confirm that she sees you two as exclusive, and, ask her to delete her app.

  2. You can’t be exclusive and not in a relationship.

    You aren’t exclusive unless it’s been explicitly stated.

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